Why are We Doing This?
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- Why are We Doing This?

There are several reasons for the Big Transition, but the major impetus is SECURITY:
- We have too many security vulnerabilities in our computing environment, and need to find better ways to address them.
- The overall computing landscape is becoming more dangerous – too many “bad actors” using security vulnerabilities to wreak havoc.
- More and more, research funding entities are demanding to see valid security controls in place as a condition of funding.
- We have not been fully compliant with university policy for security and vulnerability management.
- The future affordability and availability of Cybersecurity Insurance depends on the use of modern computing management methods and practices.
The college was recently audited for vulnerability management practices, and our very incomplete security monitoring and vulnerability response was shown to be a MAJOR concern. Indeed, we have been working on the Big Transition for some time, and had already made a number of improvements in our security posture before the audit – but we must now continue the improvements by moving into this next, more visible phase.
There are other benefits beyond security, including enhanced support tools that will allow us to be more responsive to user needs, and improved data about our computing environment that will allow us to make better decisions.