The College of Engineering changed how we manage our public-access computers in computer labs and classrooms in August 2022. We now use Active Directory to control access and provide management services.  As a result, you will use your FSU credentials to login. FAMU students are issued FSU credentials when they first join the College of Engineering.
Engineering accounts are still used to access certain legacy services at the college, primarily our legacy file server. Please visit College Computing Services in Suite A332 to obtain an Engineering Account if you will need access to these legacy services. We continue to issue Engineering accounts to all students in First Year Engineering Lab at this time, as a part of preparing their computing access.
Please do not give your password to anyone. You may not share your account with anyone. Failure to abide by this guideline is cause for deletion of your account. Please observe proper etiquette while using your account. Do not use the computing resources for activities unrelated to your Engineering course work.

Lab Rules

In our primary computer labs/classrooms - A205, A144, A337, B114 - food and drink is not allowed. We also do not generally allow food and drink in the Distance Learning Studio Classrooms, A305 and A317. Violations may result in your account being locked.

At other public computers - Atrium/Connector and Library - users may have food and drink at the computer station. However, we ask all users to keep their surroundings clean, and be especially mindful of avoiding undue mess on keyboards/mice.

Password Changes

Currently, if you wish to change your Engineering account password, you must come in person to the Response Center (A332). Please bring a Photo ID.

Disk Quotas

Most students will utilize OneDrive as their primary storage service. However, students may choose to use storage on our legacy file server platform via their Engineering account. On that platform, students have a 1GB "soft quota" for storage, This storage is for general academic use. Users may exceed the soft quota on a limited basis, but those users exceeding the quota by a large amount or for an extended period will be asked to resolve this. College Computing Services reserves the right to move user files, and, in extreme cases, lock accounts, as necessary to maintain sufficient and healthy storage services for all users.

Users that may require additional storage for a specific project are encouraged to contact College Computing Services to discuss potential arrangements for special storage.

Since the College does not provide email services directly - email services are provided by the Universities - we do not enforce quotas on email (check your University’s email documentation for information on quotas). Also, email does not impact a user’s Engineering Disk Quota (except in very unusual circumstances).