American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is a professional organization whose mission is "to address the professional needs and interests of the past, current, and future aerospace workforce and to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations, and policy to benefit our global society."

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

The purpose of this organization is to provide professional enrichment and social support to all undergraduate students in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.  All activities and functions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Chapter shall be legal under University, local, state, and federal laws.

Contact Email for AIChE

American Society of Civil Engineers-Florida Engineering Society (ASCE-FES)

Our joint organization is composed of the FAMU-FSU student chapters of the American Society of Engineers and the Florida Engineering Society Our student chapter's mission is to help bring students together and increase interest in the civil engineering discipline not only through meetings but with events such as community service and student conferences.

ASCE-FES Website

Contact Email for ASCE-FES

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a student organization here at the COE that is dedicated to professional development, technical skill enhancement, and networking. Every semester we strive to bring our members industry tours, design competitions, career enhancement, guest speakers, and socials. We accept new members from every discipline all year long and would love to see you soon. This society works towards developing professionals in the discipline of engineering.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

BMES provides a support system for students in the Biomedical Engineering Major. Organization provides a support structure for students within the Biomedical Engineering program as well as related majors. It organizes events to spread knowledge of events involving the biomedical industry and draws upon the faculty of the program to describe current endeavors within the biomedical engineering perspective. Another main goal is to increase awareness of the program to local high schools to eventually increase enrollment and improve the program at FSU.

Civil Engineering Honor Society (CEHS)

The Civil Engineering Honor Society aims to promote the development of up-and-coming Civil Engineers through contribution to the improvement of the profession. CEHS fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among civil engineers, and its members, by precept and example, toward an ever-higher standard of professional service.

Contact Email for CEHS

Electrochemical Society (ECS)

Electrochemical Society (ECS) North Florida Student Chapter is giving students an opportunity to understand electrochemical and solid-state sciences, to have a venue for meeting fellow students, and to receive recognition for their organized scholarly activities and community services. ECS holds its own technical meetings for the presentation and discussion of professional and scientific papers, and sponsors others; publishes papers, discussions, and other communications; and cooperates with other scientific and technical societies.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

Engineers Without Borders is a non-profit organization that advocates and has an interest in helping developing countries improve their quality of life through dependable and sustainable engineering designs. Our vision is a world where all people have access to adequate sanitation, safe drinking water, and the resources to meet their various needs through environmentally friendly solutions. FAMU-FSU EWB is always interested in students that share our desire for helping developing countries and helping educate the world on the importance of applying sustainable solutions.

Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA)

The Florida Water Environment Association's mission, as a leading non-profit organization, is to promote a clean and sustainable water environment by promoting sound science-based public policy, uniting our members and the public through public awareness along with providing professional development of our members.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

We are a non-profit organization that promotes the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members. Our purpose is to promote the practice of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and the related arts and sciences.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)

IISE is the global association of productivity and efficiency professionals specializing in industrial engineering, healthcare, ergonomics and other related professions. IISE, the world's largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the profession, is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the application, education, training, research, and development of industrial and systems engineering.

Contact Email for IISE

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

Welcome to the FAMU-FSU Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). This is a group of students that are interested in transportation-related studies.

Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)

Engineering club that promotes interest in structural engineering (bridges, buildings, tunnels, dams etc). We participate in research demonstrations, design competitions, site visits, and social events. Anyone who is interested is always welcome to join!

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGSA)

MEGSA is a departmental (ME) graduate student organization that is recognized as a registered student organization (RSO) at Florida State University. MEGSA was established in the Fall of 2019 and is moderated by FAMU - FSU's Mechanical Engineering Department. The organization promotes interaction between mechanical engineering graduate students and other relevant parties. We organize various events and co-curricular activities relating to graduate students' academic, professional, and social interests.

Music Engineering Club (MusEC)

The Music Engineering Club is all about designing and building audio and music equipment. MusEC's mission is to learn more about amplifiers, radios, instruments, effects, speakers, recording devices, and beyond. MusEC holds meetings to present ideas and discuss them and then spends time in the lab constructing these devices, testing them, and modifying them if necessary or desired. Interests include: tube, transistor, and digital amplifiers and radios, analog and digital effects, instruments, speakers and speaker cabinets, and analog or digital recording devices.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.


Contact Email for NSBE



Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE)

The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) is a global professional member society, that provides information on new materials and processing technology either via conferences, exhibitions, technical forums, publications, or books in which professionals in this field can exchange ideas. As the only technical society encompassing all fields of endeavor in materials and processes, SAMPE provides a unique and valuable forum for scientists, engineers, and academicians.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

SHPE is the leading social-technical organization whose primary function is to enhance and achieve the fullest potential of Hispanics and underresourced minorities in engineering, math, technology and science.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE is a non-profit organization for people interested in engineering and supporting women in engineering. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

Student Engineering Leadership Board (SELB)

The Engineering Student Leadership Board (SELB)  is an undergraduate and graduate student group within the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering that serves in an advisory and leadership capacity for students by acting as an advocate and liaison between students and the administration. They work with the FAMU-FSU Engineering leadership to provide a student-centered perspective in decision making and implementation of goals, projects and initiatives.

Student Executive Council (SEC)

The Student Executive Council serves as an advisory board and liaison between the student organizations and the college of Engineering. The council is comprised of the College of Engineering's student organization presidents or their designee, the Associate Dean, Director of Student Services, and the Recruitment Coordinator. Meetings are scheduled regularly once a month during the fall and spring semesters.

Tau Beta Pi (TBP)

In 1885 the Tau Beta Pi association was created at Lehigh University by Edward H. Williams, Jr. to "mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges".

Theta Tau

This fraternity shall operate as a local professional engineering fraternity chapter of that national professional engineering fraternity. It is certified by that national Fraternity as a Chapter, it shall be formally known as the Florida State University Chapter of Theta Tau, and shall be known publicly as Theta Tau.

This Chapter of Theta Tau encompasses students in engineering and computer science majors

Theta Tau Website