Feedback Matters!!!

Students can influence instruction by sharing their opinion of their courses – good and bad.

At the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, student feedback matters. Faculty and administrators rely on feedback to improve courses, programs, and teaching methods.

Survey Instrument

The Student Perception of Courses and Instructors (SPCI) survey instrument is used to evaluate courses and instructors. If they opt to complete the evaluations, students rate the course and the instructor on several predefined scales and provide additional feedback in free-response questions.

Evaluations are required for faculty, adjuncts, and graduate assistants who teach: 1) undergraduate courses with 10 or more students in fall and spring terms; or 2) graduate courses with 5 or more students in fall and spring terms.

Survey Format

The SPCI are administered each semester electronically via Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT). When the evaluation window opens, students are notified via email reminders. 

Note that the evaluation is administered for all our students through FSU. Aggregating all students' responses in one evaluation system allows for a comprehensive evaluation and also increases anonymity.

Access to Data

Public access to course evaluations is available via the public reporting portal. The public portal provides quantitative summary reports of all evaluated courses but does not include responses for the free-response section. Free-response comments are viewable only by the instructor via a unique login (see How to View Survey Results for more information).

Student Anonymity

We protect the anonymity of students in every course evaluation survey submitted. The university contracts with an outside vendor, Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT), to manage and store evaluation data. Administrators and instructors do not have access to a student’s identifying data on any evaluation. 

Customizing the Survey

During a pre-defined window, instructors are free to customize the electronic version of the SPCI by adding questions specific to their course. (If you’re an instructor adding custom questions, you are the only one who can view responses for those questions.) Course evaluation coordinators may also add custom questions on behalf of their college or department.
Instructors will be notified via email when each window opens and closes. See How to Add Custom Questions for more information.

Feedback Matters!
Why Students Don't Complete Course Evaluations (and Why They Should!)

Putting off your course evaluation? As a student, your opinions of your courses – good and bad – influences instruction at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Make your voice count - complete your evaluation!

Students who opt out of course evaluations cite a wide range of reasons. We address some of the most common below:

I’m worried about anonymity...
To protect your anonymity, these course evaluations are by a third-party vendor who administers and stores course evaluation data. No one at the university has access to information that would identify a student with a survey.*

I liked my instructor so don’t have any feedback...
When it comes to their courses, instructors want to know what’s working just as much as what’s not. Don’t opt out because you don’t have anything negative to say. Administrators consider course evaluation ratings when making decisions about instructor promotion and raises. All feedback is important!

I don’t think what I say will make any difference...

The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering views course evaluation feedback as an important indicator of teaching quality. Providing specific feedback can help your instructor focus on areas that might need adjustment in their course. University administrators use course evaluation ratings when making decisions about instructor training, promotions, and raises.

My instructor is using a different survey...

The university’s official Student Perception of Courses and Instructors (SPCI) survey is the best way to provide anonymous feedback. Unlike surveys created in Canvas or Qualtrics that do not guarantee student anonymity, the SPCI is administered by an outside vendor to protect your identity. Data is maintained and stored by the vendor, and no one at the university can see who completed the surveys.*

* Exceptions: Hostile, threatening, sexual, or humiliating comments are a violation of the Student Conduct Code and may result in a waiver of student confidentiality.


For more information, or for one-on-one assistance, contact CCS.