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Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty

Yassir AbdelRazig, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Strategic Operations, Professor

Yassir AbdelRazig, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Strategic Operations, Professor

Korhan Adalier, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor and PC Program Coordinator

Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, Ph.D., F.EWRI
Assistant Professor

Maxim Dulebenets, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Department Graduate Director (CEE), Graduate Committee Chair

Eren Erman Ozguven, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, RIDER Center Director

Michelle Rambo-Roddenberry, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Lisa Spainhour, Ph.D., P.E.
Chair, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Emeritus Faculty
Courtesy Faculty

Stephanie Bolyard, Ph.D.
Courtesy Professor, Research Engineer, North Carolina Department of Transportation

Jingqiu Chen, Ph.D.
Courtesy Professor, Assistant Professor, Biological Systems Engineering, FAMU

Satyanarayan Dev, Ph.D.
Courtesy Professor, Associate Professor & Director, Biological Systems Engineering, FAMU

Jeffrey Ger, Ph.D., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Senior Structural Engineer Federal Highway Association

Rodrigo Herrera, M.E., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Florida Dept of Transportation

Matthew Kosar, M.S., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Major Bridge Design Engineer, Florida Dept of Transportation

John K. Powell, Esq., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Director, Environmental Services & Facilities, City of Tallahassee

Thobias Sando, Ph.D., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Professor, School of Civil Engineering, University of North Florida

Behnam (Ben) Shadravan, Ph.D.
Courtesy Professor, Associate Professor, Construction Engineering Technology, FAMU

Aavudai A. Swamy, Ph.D., P.E.
Courtesy Professor, Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering, FAMU

Juzhong Tan, Ph.D.
Courtesy Professor, Assistant Professor, Agriculture & Food Science, FAMU
Civil & Environmental Engineering Staff

Amon Bryant
Research Program Coordinator and Office Manager, Rural Equitable and Accessible Transportation (R.E.A.T) Center

Mehmet Öztan, Ph.D.
Director of Community Engagement, RIDER Center