Program Requirements

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Civil Engineering provides students with education in advanced civil engineering topics as well as research experience.

Curriculum. The M.S. curriculum includes a total of 30 semester hours, consisting of coursework and thesis research. To enroll in a course, students must satisfy the course prerequisites. Students entering the major without a civil or environmental engineering degree also must satisfy a set of articulation courses. Students are expected to enroll in Graduate Seminar (CGN 5935) each semester in which they have full-time status.

The specialty (depth) area courses provide students an advanced education beyond the bachelor’s degree in a specific civil engineering sub-discipline. The majority of the specialty area courses should be taken from the CEE department.

The supplementary electives are intended to develop the student’s complementary multidisciplinary skills and knowledge. Supplementary electives may include courses from other civil and environmental engineering areas outside of the chosen specialty, other engineering disciplines, the sciences, computer/computational science, urban and regional planning, and geography.

Mathematics and quantitative skills are critical in civil engineering work. Therefore a student is required to take at least one course (a minimum of three (3) credit hours) in mathematics, statistics, or computational science.


Suggested M.S. timeline

Semester Degree requirement items
Semester 1 9 hrs. of approved coursework
Complete RCR training
Identify thesis topic
Semester 2 9 hrs. of approved coursework
Semester 3 6 hrs. of approved coursework
3 hrs. of thesis research CGN 5971
Semester 4 3 hrs. of thesis research CGN 5971
Prepare complete journal manuscript
Thesis defense CGN 6972
Submit approved final thesis


Summary of M.S. degree requirements

Course Type Total Hours
Articulation courses (if required) 0-22
Specialty (depth) area 12-15
Supplementary electives 6-9
Mathematics, statistics, or computation 3
Thesis research CGN 5971 6
Thesis defense CGN 6972 0
Graduate seminar CGN 5935 0
Minimum Total Hours 30


The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Ph.D. programs offer competitive funding packages for newly admitted students. Please visit our graduate funding page to find out more about assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships.


Graduate Funding

Have Questions?

If you have any questions about graduate studies at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, please contact us for more information or to schedule a visit.


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