Dr. Clayton Clark with three graduate students

Dr. Kampmann with two undergraduate students in a civil lab

Two female graduate students looking at an experment

About CEE Research

Civil and environmental engineers face unprecedented challenges due to the rapid growth of the world’s population. The global population is projected to reach more than 10 billion by 2055. The traditional way we build the infrastructure may be unsustainable.

When communities are exposed to hazards such as hurricanes, more people are affected by them. Even with the advancement in the past century, today’s infrastructure is not resilient against hazards.

The mission of our research is to advance knowledge in Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. The department has three thrust areas: Sustainable Materials and Resilient Structures, Intelligent Mobility and Community Resilience, and Sustainable Environment.

Associated Research Centers

Affiliated research centers and facilities that the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering actively collaborates with.