CEE Graduate Courses
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- CEE Graduate Courses
The following courses are either required or frequently-taught electives in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEG 5015 | Advanced Soil Mechanics (3)
Prerequisite: CEG 3011
Course Description: Mechanical behavior, internal stresses, and stability analysis of noncohesive soils, compressibility, consolidation, and settlement of cohesive soils, analytical techniques for predicting earth movement.
- CEG 5115 | Foundation Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: CEG 3011
Course Description: Design of spread footings, pole and caisson foundations, retaining structures and waterfront structures. Investigation of slope stability.
- CEG 5515 | Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Design (3)
Prerequisite: CEG 4801
Course Description: Design of systems such as sheet pile walls, segmental walls, and dewatering systems. Choice between alternative design methods including software applications.
- CEG 5705 | Environmental Geotechnics (3)
Prerequisite: CEG 3011
Course Description: The geotechnical aspects of waste containment and storage. Aspects of design, construction, and performance of earthen structures for storing or disposing waste or remediating contaminated sites.
- CES 5105 | Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3)
Prerequisite: CES 3100; EGN 3331
Course Description: Analysis and design of load-carrying members, shear center, unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, beams on elastic foundations, energy methods, theories of failure, thick-walled cylinders, stress concentrations, plastic deformation and fracture.
- CES 5106 | Advanced Structural Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: CES 3100; EGN 3331
Course Description: Review of matrix algebra. Direct stiffness method for truss analysis. Computer applications. Statically indeterminate structures. Slope-deflection and moment distribution methods. Computer modeling of structures. Case studies and projects. May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) semester hours.
- CES 5144 | Matrix Methods for Structural Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: CES 4101; MAP 3305 or MAP 2302
Course Description: This course covers selected fundamental techniques, including energy methods, for the formulation of the stiffness method for structural analysis. Topics include the formation of element matrices, transformed element matrices, structure stiffness matrices, and equations of equilibrium. Selected computer solution techniques are also covered.
- CES 5209 | Structural Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite: CES 4101; EGN 3321; MAP 3305
Course Description: Analysis and design of single- and multi-degree-of-freedom structures subjected to various types of excitations and initial conditions. Computational aspects of dynamic analysis, including approximate methods of analysis. Introduction to earthquake loading and design.
- CES 5325 | Bridge Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: CES 4605, 4702
Course Description: Introduction to design of modern steel and concrete highway bridges. Materials and properties. Load on bridges. Substructure design.
- CES 5585 | Wind Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: EGN 2212; EGN 3331; CWR 3201
Course Description: This course covers statics and dynamics of wind-induced loads and structural responses. Topics include wind damage, extreme wind probability, wind characteristics, wind pressure and forces, basics of single DOF structural dynamics, and overview of wind dynamics. State-of-the-art research in wind engineering will also be introduced.
- CES 5606 | Advanced Steel Design (3)
Prerequisite: CES 4605; EGN 3331
Course Description: Behavior of complex steel elements and structures. Analysis and design of columns and beams under combined effects of flexure, shear and torsion. Lateral torsional buckling. Plastic design. Design of frames.
- CES 5706 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
Prerequisite: CES 3101, 4702; EGN 3331
Course Description: Behavior of advanced reinforced concrete structures. Analysis and design of beams for torsion; biaxial columns; two-way slabs; retaining walls; shear walls; thin-walled members. Art of detailing.
- CES 5715 | Prestressed Concrete (3)
Prerequisite: CES 4101, 4702; EGN 3331
Course Description: Behavior and design of prestressed concrete structures. Beam design for flexure and shear, loss of prestress. Design of slabs and axially loaded members, precast construction.
- CES 5835 | Design of Masonry Structures (3)
Prerequisite: CES 3100; CES 4702
Course Description: This course covers properties, specifications, and construction requirements for clay and concrete masonry structures; and, analysis and design of masonry structures including a comprehensive diaphragm / shearwall masonry structure design project.
- CES 5845 | Composites in Civil Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: CCE 3103; CES 3100; EGN 3331
Course Description: Fundamental theories of composite materials; forms of composites and their reinforcements; physical, chemical, and mechanical properties; design and testing methods; civil engineering applications of composite materials.
- CES 6116 | Finite Elements Methods (3)
Prerequisite: MAP 3305; Corequisite: CES 4101
Course Description: Formulation and analysis of finite element equations using the direct method, the variational method, and the weighted-residual method. Computational aspects of the finite element method, including convergence and accuracy. Hands-on experience with a finite element analysis program.
- CWR 5205 | Hydraulic Engineering II (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 4202, MAP 3305
Course Description: Course presents advanced hydraulic concepts and their incorporation into the design process. Methods of solving such problems are also presented.
- CWR 5305 | Urban Stormwater Runoff (3)
Prerequisite: CEG 2202C; CWR 3201; EES 3040
Corequisite: CWR 4101
Course Description: This course investigates the effects of urban stormwater runoff on surface and ground water resources. Topics include legal and regulatory requirements, methods of engineering analysis and design of storm water systems.
- CWR 5515 | Physical Models of Hydraulic Systems (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 3201, 3201L; MAP 3305
Course Description: Classical techniques of dimensional analysis and similitude are presented for hydraulic problems; operational physical model will be constructed and used to solve a practical engineering problem.
- CWR 5635 | Water Resources Planning and Management (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 4101, 4202
Course Description: Quantity and quality planning of water resources systems. Economic considerations.
- CWR 5824 | Coastal/Estuarine Hydraulics (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 3201; MAC 2313
Course Description: This course examines numerous topics including coastal hydraulic principles and waves in estuaries and coastal oceans, wave properties and wave forces on coastal structures, tidal motions, mixing and transport in estuaries, and coastal engineering analysis.
- ENV 5030| Applied Environmental Engineering Microbiology (3)
Prerequisite: ENV 4001 or equivalent
Course Description: This course focuses on the survey of environmentally important microbes and the roles they play in environmental restoration processes. Major topics include basics of microbiology, stoichiometry and bacterial energetics, bioremediation and other environmental microbiology applications, and detoxification of hazardous chemicals.
- ENV 5028 | Remediation Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: ENV 4001 or equivalent
Course Description: Reviews various innovative remediation technologies used for cleanup of contaminated soil and groundwater at a site such as air sparging, soil vapor extraction, reactive walls, reactive zones, stabilization technologies, hydraulic pneumatic fracturing and pump-and-treat systems.
- ENV 5055 | Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environmental (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 3201; EES 3040; or equivalent
Course Description: Study of the processes of pollutant chemicals transformation in and transport between air, water, and soil or sediments. Use and development of predictive mathematical models for the remediation of existing contaminated sites or prevention of future contamination from new sources.
- ENV 5076 | Environmental Law for Engineers and Scientists (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: An introduction to environmental law and policy suitable for students pursuing engineering and science majors. The course addresses major federal environmental laws and environmental permitting and develops critical thinking skills through the exploration of contemporary and sometimes controversial issues such as climate change, environmental justice, hydraulic fracturing, trade, and the environment, and international environmental law.
- ENV 5105 | Air Quality Management (3)
Prerequisite: ENV 4001
Course Description: This course investigates analytical concepts for determination of sources, amounts, and transport of air pollutants; health and environmental effects; design of control devices and management programs.
- ENV 5565 | Design of Water Quality Management Facilities (3)
Prerequisite: CWR 3201, 3201L; EES 3040, 3040L
Course Description: Analysis of operations, processes,and systems used in the design of facilities for maintaining water supply quality, wastewater control, and aquatic pollution control. Design of wastewater collection systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, and systems for disposal for residuals from such facilities.
- ENV5617 | Environmental Sustainability (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Explores theory in the field of environmental sustainability and green engineering: material also covers sustainability in relation to other disciplines, but focuses on environmental and engineering concepts.
- TTE 5074 | Freight Terminals and Distribution Facilities (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Course covers passenger and freight transport, an overview of operations within different types of freight transportation terminals: marine terminals (container, dry bulk, liquid bulk), cross-docking facilities, warehouses, rail terminals, freight airport terminals, and other freight transportation facilities.
- TTE 5206 | Advanced Traffic Flow Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: TTE 3004
Course Description: Principles of microscopic and macroscopic characteristics, traffic stream models, demand-supply analysis, shockwave analysis, queueing analysis, computer simulation models, intelligent transportation systems.
- TTE 5256 | Traffic Engineering Operations (3)
Prerequisite: EGN 2212; TTE 3004
Course Description: Course covers principles of capacity, freeways, rural highways, urban streets, transportation systems, and computer simulation.
- TTE 5270 | Intelligent Transportation Systems (3)
Prerequisite: EGN 2212; TTE 3004
Course Description: Course covers advanced traffic management systems (ATMS), advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), advanced vehicle control systems, commercial vehicle operations, rural ITS human factors, established issues, architecture and standards, simulation and modeling.
- TTE 5305 | Transportation System Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: TTE 3004
Course Description: Network analysis, optimization techniques, demand and supply models, simulation practices, planning and forecasting models and other social, political and economic aspects of the transportation system.
- TTE 5501 | Transportation Economics (3)
Prerequisite: TTE 3004
Course Description: Transportation economics and financial aspects of transportation policy and planning, stressing the demand, supply and other economic issues.
- TTE 5606 | Transportation System Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: EGN 2212; TTE 3004
Course Description: Course covers microscopic and macroscopic characteristics, traffic stream models, demand-supply analysis, shockwave analysis, cueing analysis, computer simulation models, intelligent transportation systems.
- CCE 5035 | Construction Planning and Scheduling (3)
Prerequisite: CCE 4004
Course Description: Planning, basic arrow diagraming, basic precedence diagraming, establishing activity duration, scheduling computations, bar charts, project controls, overlapping networks, resource leveling, and program evaluation review technique (PERT).
- CCE 5036 | Project Controls in Construction (3)
Prerequisite: CCE 4004; EGN 3443
Course Description: Construction cost estimation, work breakdown structure, and cost control; critical path method (CPM) scheduling, resource-constrained scheduling, and integrated scheduling-cost control; probabilistic scheduling techniques, and linear scheduling techniques; contract specifications, and contract claims (schedule impact) analysis.
- CCE 5212 | Sustainable and Green Construction (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Comprehensive overview of the basic principles of sustainability and green construction. Provides detailed background about the green building (LEED) certification, as well as energy calculations and cost-benefit analysis.
- CCE 5510 | Computer Applications in Construction (3)
Prerequisite: CCE 4004 or instructor permission
Course Description: A comprehensive review and application of basic and advanced pertinent computer software for construction engineering and management. Emphasizes practical applications for construction project management.
- EGN 5458 | Statistical Applications for Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: STA 2122, MAC 2313 or equivalent
Course Description: Course covers fundamentals of data analysis and statistics motivated by engineering applications with the use of modern software.
- EGN 5465 | Advanced Simulation Modeling of Transportation Systems (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Course covers fundamentals of simulation modeling for transportation networks.
- EGN 5480 | Metaheuristics and Hybrid Algorithms (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Course covers complexity, review and design of metaheuristics, evolutionary computation, local search heuristics, exact optimization procedures, hybridization techniques.
- CGN 5307 | Infrastructure System of System Analysis & Planning (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Covers methods to define, characterize, model, and analyze a system of systems (SoS) and address SoS problems within the operation of critical infrastructure.
- CGN 5615 | Infrastructure Engineering and Management (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Introduction to engineering and management aspects of infrastructure systems. Topics include application of methods to develop models for repair and inspection decisions and other advanced developments related to infrastructure systems.
- CGN 5910 | Supervised Research (1-6)
Prerequisite: N/A
Course Description: May be repeated to a maximim of six (6) semester hours and a maximum of three (3) semester hours may apply to the master's degree. [S/U grade only]
- CGN 5935 | Seminar
Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status
Course Description: Graduate students are expected to enroll in the course every semester they are enrolled at FAMU or FSU. The students should attend at least 75% of the seminars offered each semester to obtain a satisfactory grade. [S/U grade only]
- CGN 6910 | Preliminary Exam Preparation (1-9)
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Guides a doctoral student to develop the research plan for the preliminary exam. The preliminary exam is the most important milestone for a doctoral student, where the student demonstrates the ability to conduct independent research.
- CGN 6942 | Supervised Teaching
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
Course Description: Students receive credit for teaching undergraduate course under supervision of graduate faculty.