Polymers and Complex Fluids
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- Polymers and Complex Fluids
Faculty: Drs. Rufina Alamo, Natalie Arnett, Hoyong Chung, Daniel Hallinan Jr., Leonardo Liu, Hadi Mohammadigoushki, Subramanian Ramakrishnan, Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy and Ralm Ricarte
The study of polymers and complex fluids is an active area of research within our department and is tightly interwoven with other areas. Topics of current interest include thermodynamic modeling of gelation and crystallization of nanoparticles in a variety of complex fluids, rheology of polymers and colloids, structure-property-processing relationships in polymers and composites.
Our faculty and students benefit greatly from collaborations with researchers in other departments such as Chemistry, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, School of Computational Science, and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.