2021 Nominated for Outstanding Teaching Award, Florida State University
2020 CAREER award, National Science Foundation
2013 John Grace Graduate Award, University of British Columbia, Canada
Society of Rheology
APS Fluid Dynamics Division
American Institute for Chemical Engineers
Rassolov, P., Scigliani, A., Mohammadigoushki, H.*, " Kinetics of Shear Banding Flow Formation in Linear and Branched Wormlike Micelles", In press Soft Matter (2022)
Wu, S., Solano, T, Shoele, K. Mohammadigoushki, H.*, "Formation of a Strong Negative Wake Behind a Helical Swimmer in Viscoelastic Fluids", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 942, (2022)
Holder, S., Grant, S. C., Mohammadigoushki, H.*, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffusometry of Linear and Branched Wormlike Micelles", Langmuir 37(12), 3585-3596 (2021)
Rothstein, J. P., Mohammadigoushki, H.*, "Invited Review: Complex Flows of Viscoelastic Wormlike Micelle Solutions.", J. Non-Newtonian. Fluid Mech. 285,104382, (2020)
Mohammadigoushki, H.*, Dalili, A., Zhou, L., Cook, P. "Transient Evolution of Flow Profiles in a Shear Banding Wormlike Micellar Solution: Experimental Results and a Comparison with the VCM Model", Soft Matter 15, 5483, (2019).
Wu, S., Mohammadigoushki, H.*, "Flow of wormlike micellar solutions past a sphere: role of micellar relaxation spectrum and gradients in micellar extensions" J. Rheol. 62, 1061 (2018).
Mohammadigoushki, H., and Muller, S. J., "A flow visualization and superposition rheology study of shear-banding wormlike micelle solutions" Soft Matter, 12(4):1051-61 (2016)
Mohammadigoushki, H. and Feng, J. J., "Size segregation in sheared two-dimensional polydisperse foam." Langmuir 29, 1370-1378 (2013).
Mohammadigoushki, H. & Feng, J. J., "Size-differentiated lateral migration of bubbles in Couette flow of two-dimensional foam". Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 084502 (2012)