Ricarte, R.G.;* Tournilhac, F.; Cloître, M., Leibler, L.* “Linear viscoelasticity and flow of self-assembled vitrimers: the case of a polyethylene/dioxaborolane system.” Accepted for publication in Macromolecules. (*Corresponding authors)
Ricarte, R.G.; Van Zee, N.J.; Li, Z.; Johnson, L.M.; Lodge, T.P.; Hillmyer, M.A. “Recent advances in understanding the micro- and nanoscale phenomena of amorphous solid dispersions.” Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2019, 16, 4089–4103.
Ricarte, R.G.;* Tournilhac, F.; Leibler, L.* “Phase separation and self-assembly in vitrimers: hierarchical morphology of molten and semi-crystalline polyethylene/dioxaborolane maleimide systems.” Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 432–443. (*Corresponding authors)
Ricarte, R.G.; Li, Z.; Johnson, L.M.; Ting, J.M.; Reineke, T.M.; Bates, F.S.; Hillmyer, M.A.; Lodge, T.P. “Direct Observation of Nanostructures During Aqueous Dissolution of Polymer/Drug Particles.” Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 3143–3152.