Ho Yong Chung, Ph.D.

Hoyong Chung, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Phone Numbers
Building B, B373H | Second office: Dittmer 704
Educational History
Postdoctoral scholar, Chemistry (Robert H. Grubbs), Caltech, 2011-2014
Ph.D. Chemistry (Newell R. Washburn), Carnegie Mellon University, 2007-2011
Research Interests
Bio-inspired polymers
Smart materials
Catalysts for polymers
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Chung, H.; Kwiat, D.; Saadai, P.; Kwan, S. Y.; Harrison, M. R.; Grubbs, R. H. "In Vitro Studies of N-methacryloyl-3,4-dihydroxyl-Lphenylalanine Containing Terpolymer Sealant to Prevent Fetal Membrane Rupture" submitted

Chung, H.; Grubbs, R. H. "Rapidly Crosslinkable DOPA containing Terpolymer Adhesives and PEG-based Crosslinkers for Biomedical Applications", Macromolecules 2012, 45, 9666-9673.

Li, W.*; Chung, H.*; Daeffler, C.; Johnson, J. A.; Grubbs, R. H. "Accurate Polymer Molecular Weight Determination Method in Diverse Living Polymerizations via DOSY", Macromolecules 2012, 45, 9595-9603 (*Co-first authors).

Hilburg, S.; Elder, A.; Chung, H.; Ferebee, R.; Bockstaller M.; Washburn N. R. "A Universal Route towards Thermoplastic Lignin Composites with Improved Mechanical properties", Polymer 2014, 55, 995-1003.

Pothen, J. M.; Chung, H.*; Elder, A. N.; Menguc, Y.; Sitti, M.; and Washburn N. R.* "Rapid Loss of Adhesion in Dopamine Methacrylamide Copolymers" submitted (*Corresponding authors)

Chung, H.; Al-Khouja, A.; Washburn, N. R. "Lignin-based Graft Copolymers via ATRP and Click Chemistry" In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II American Chemical Society 2013 1144 373-391

Chung, H.; Washburn, N. R. "Chemistry of Lignin-based Materials", Green Materials 2012, 3, 137-160.

Chung, H.; and Washburn, N. R. "Improved Lignin Polyurethane Properties with Lewis Acid Treatment", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 2840-2846.

Chung, H.; Glass, P.; Pothen J. M. ; Sitti, M.; Washburn, N. R. "Enhanced Adhesion of Dopamine Methacrylamide Elastomers via Viscoelasticity Tuning", Biomacromolecules 2011, 12, 342-347.


H. Chung, H.; Schwartz, D. M.; Grubbs, R. H. "Stimuli Responsive Adhesive Gel for Removal of Foreign Particles from Eyes" Provisional patent application CIT-6527-P filed April 18, 2013

Grubbs, R. H.; Stoller, M. L.; Chung, H.; Fitzgerald, A.; Kenny, T. W.; Thomas, R. M. "Targeting Microbubbles" United States Patent Application No. 13/593,747 filed August 24, 2012

Chung, H.; Grubbs, R. H. "Rapidly Crosslinkable Bio-inspired Adhesives for Biomedical Applications" United States Patent Application No. 61/615,068, filed March 23, 2012

Chung, H.; Glass, P.; Sitti, M.; Washburn, N. R. "Enhanced adhesion of micro-fiber arrays with tip coating" United States Patent Application No. 61/402,036 filed August 23, 2010

Chung, H.; Glass, P.; Sitti, M.; Washburn, N. R. "Micro-fiber Arrays with Tip Coating and Transfer Method for Preparing Same" Pub. No.: WO/2012/026973

Chung, H.; Washburn, N. R. "Lignin-containing polymers and compositions including lignin-containing polymers" United States Patent Application No. TBA filed January 20, 2014