Research Instruments

  • 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer
  • Atomic Force Microscope
  • Extensive Cell/Tissue Growth Facilities
  • Rheological Apparatus
  • Pulsed and DC Power Supplies
  • Analytical Instruments (GC, HPLC, Spectrophotometers, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer)
  • Access to FSU Research Computing Center, with:
    • the High Performance Computing (HPC) system which includes 708 computer nodes and 12, 492 cores
    • Over 264 TeraFlops of throughput
  • Access to several research centers, including Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy Center (AME) and High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI)
  • NMR and other facilities at the world-class National high Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL)
  • Transmission electron microscopy
  • Small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering

Associated Research Centers

A list of affiliated research centers that the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering actively collaborates.

Research Centers

Departmental Research Summaries

To see the types of research being conducted within the department please check our yearly research summaries

Research Summaries