Undergraduate Committee

Chairs: Tarik Dickens (Assoc. Chair FAMU recruitment) & Chiwoo Park (Assoc. Chair FSU recruitment)

Charge description: The principal responsibility of the Undergraduate Committee shall be the ongoing review and modification of the undergraduate educational objectives and outcomes, curriculum, and advising procedures as part of the Department's continuous self-assessment process. Another responsibility of the Undergraduate Committee is developing procedures for and implementing an undergraduate student performance assessment. This committee will also review the IME undergraduate recruiting practices and determine and implement methods for improvement. The Chair of the Undergraduate Committee shall be appointed by the Department Chair for a one-year term. The Undergraduate Committee shall consist of at least five members of the faculty. All recommendations for changes in the undergraduate curriculum shall originate in this committee.

Graduate Committee

Chair: Tarik Dickens 
Committee Members: Yanshuo SunZhibin Yu & Rebekah Sweat

Charge description: The principal responsibility of the Graduate Committee shall be the ongoing review and modification of the graduate curriculum as part of the Department's continuous self-assessment process. Another major responsibility of the Graduate Committee is developing procedures for and implementing a graduate student performance assessment. The Chair of the Graduate Committee shall be the Director of Graduate Studies as appointed by the Department Chair. This committee will also review the IME graduate recruiting practices and determine and implement methods for improvement. The Graduate Committee shall consist of at least three members of the graduate faculty. All recommendations for changes in the graduate curriculum shall originate in this committee.

Promotion and Tenure Committee

Chair: Mei Zhang

Committee members: Zhiyong Liang & Samuel Awoniyi

Charge description: The Promotion and Tenure Committee (where possible) shall consist of three tenured Full Professors from the Department chosen by a plurality vote of the faculty each year. The chosen members shall select a Chair, who shall also serve as the representative to the College of Engineering Promotion and Tenure Committee.

Curriculum Committee

Chair: Mei Zhang

Committee members: All IME tenured faculty

Charge description: The Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) shall be the committee of the Department charged with reviewing and defining the courses and curriculum of each degree program in the IME Department.

By-Law Committee

Chair: Changchun Zeng
Committee members: Arda VanliRebekah Sweat & David Gross