Exploiting Special Structures in Numerical Continuation Methods

Faculty: Dr. Samuel A. Awoniyi

Numerical continuation methods are computational methods that solve numerical equations (and numerical optimization problems) by following paths containing approximate solutions, beginning with the solution of a simple version of the given equations (or problems), until an acceptable approximate solution is reached. There are two classes of numerical continuation methods, namely, the predictor-corrector methods (PC methods) and the piecewise-linear continuation methods (PL methods).

Research Facilities & Centers

The department is actively involved in basic research, which expands the frontiers of knowledge, as well as applied research designed to solve both present and future technological needs of society. Research activities span a variety of disciplines related to industrial and manufacturing engineering and are largely conducted in cooperation with other research centers (see below) and their accompanying state-of-the-art research laboratories.

Research Facilities & Centers

Opportunities for Undergraduates

Undergraduate students in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing have a unique opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research. The department has several state-of the-art research laboratories in materials science and magnetics. The College of Engineering is also in close proximity to several major research centers including the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the High-Performance Materials Institute. Students interested in research opportunities should contact individual faculty members directly. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering also has summer research internship opportunities (see below) and a research scholars program.

DREAM Program    RET Program    REU RETREAT

Graduate Research and Funding

Discover the state-of-the-art labs, research centers, and collaborative spaces that empower our graduate students to push the boundaries of engineering and technology. We offer both Teaching and Research Assistantships to top, qualified candidates. Completing an interest form at the first link below helps us connect you with faculty actively seeking graduate students in your selected area of research interest. 

Tarik Dickens, Ph.D. teaches two graduate students in the DeXter 3D printing and additive manufacturing lab.