Prior to joining FSU, Hui Wang was a research faculty as a research scientist and an intermittent lecturer at the University of Michigan. His research has been focused on manufacturing system design, automation, and process control by integrating applied statistics, image processing, optimization, and control theory with engineering knowledge with broad applications including automotive, energy system, semiconductor, and nano-manufacturing. His research has been sponsored by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and National Science Foundation. His research in recent years has been conducted in close collaboration with a metrology company and U.S. manufacturing industries including Ford Motors and General Motors.
His research has received the best paper awards from ASME-Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference and International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing and featured article recognition of IIE Transactions. He is a member ASME, IIE, and INFORMS.
He currently has 1-2 graduate student research assistantship position(s) available starting from Spring 2014. The research focus will be on data mining and optimization for complex engineering systems. If interested, please contact him by email: huiwz.wang@gmail.com
- Best paper award, ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, June 4-8th, 2012.
- Best paper award, 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, June 10-12th, 2012, Chongqing, China.
- Best paper award, 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, July, 17-19, 2010, Changsha, China.
- Featured article, 2006 IIE Transactions.
- Selected for the 5th Annual IIE Doctoral Colloquium, 2006, Orlando, FL.
- Nominee for the best paper award at 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL.
- Selected for INFORMS Future Academician Colloquium, 2005, San Francesco, CA.
- Philip-Yamin Scholarship, SJTU, China, 2001.
Nguyen, H., Wang, H.1, Hu, S.J., 2013, "Cutter Tilt and Cutter-Spindle Stiffness Modeling for Machine Condition Monitoring in Face Milling Using High-Definition Surface Metrology," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, in press.
Nguyen, H., Wang, H.1, Hu, S.J., 2013, "Characterization of Cutting Force Induced Surface Shape Variation Using High-definition Metrology," ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 135(4), doi:10.1115/1.4024290. Also published on Proceedings of 2012 ASME- Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Notre Dame, IN. Nominee for the best paper award.
Yang, S., Wang, H., Hu, S.J., 2013, "Modeling Assembly Systems with Repetitive Operations," CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 62, 5-8.
Berry, C.W., Wang, H.1, Hu, S.J., 2013, "Product Architecting for Personalization," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Special Issues on Assembly Technologies.
Zhou, L., Wang, H.1, Berry, C., Weng, X., and Hu, S.J., 2012, "Functional Morphing in Multistage Manufacturing and Its Applications in High-Definition Metrology-Based Process Control," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Li, S., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Abell, J.A., and Hu, S.J., 2011, "Automatic Generation of Assembly System Configuration with Equipment Selection for Automotive Battery Manufacturing," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2011.07.009. Also appeared on NAMRC 2011, Corvallis, OR.
Li, J., Kim, S., Lee, T.M., Krajewski, P.E., Wang, H. and Hu, S.J., 2011, "The Effect of Prestrain and Subsequent Annealing on the Mechanical Behavior of AA5182-O," Materials Science & Engineering A, 528, pp. 3905-3914.
Suriano, S., Wang, H.1, Hu, S.J., 2012, "Progressive Measurement and Monitoring for Multi-resolution Data Considering Spatial and Cross-correlation," Submitted to IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability.
Lin, Y., Wang, H., Shao, C., Li, S., Abell, J.A., and Hu, S.J., 2012, "Computational Assembly Task and Sequence Generation for Battery Stack Assembly System with Hybrid Configurations," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, under review with revision.
Tai, B.L., Wang, H.1, Nguyen, H., Hu, S.J., and Shih, A., 2012, "Surface Variation Reduction for Face Milling Based on High-definition Metrology," To be submitted to ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. Also published on Proceedings of 2012 ASME MSEC and received the Best Paper Award.
Yang, S., Wang, H., Kuang, H., Lin, Y., Hu, S.J., "Effective Scrap Controls for Product Families in Automated Assembly Lines," CIRP CMS 2014.
Suriano, S., Wang, H.1, and Hu, S.J., "Monitoring Multistage Surface Spatial Variations Using Functional Morphing," Submitted to ASME-MSEC 2013, Madison, WI.
Li, S., Wang, H. 1, Lin, Y-T., Hu, S.J., and Abell, J., "Assembly System Configuration Design for a Product Family," Submitted to NAMRC 2013, Madison, WI.
Li, S., Lin, Y., Wang, H., Chen, C., Yang, S., Hu, S.J., and Abell, J., 2012, "An Assembly System Configurator for Automotive Battery Packs," Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Chongqing, China. Best paper award.
Li, S., Wang, H., Hu, S.J., Lin, Y., and Abell, J., 2010, "Review of High Capacity Battery Module/Pack Designs for Electric Vehicles and Their Implications to Assembly Process Automation," ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)- MSEC 2010 (Manufacturing Science Engineering Conference), MSEC2010-34114 pp. 505-517.