The GRE requirement has been waived (and extended) for all engineering master’s applicants applying through Fall 2026!

Academic rigor and professional flexibility define our MSIE programs. The Department offers a Thesis and Non-Thesis Option for its MSIE Degree, as well as a specialized program (Specialization in Engineering Management) to meet the needs of its multicultural student body. All MSIE programs integrate a strong theoretical foundation, hands-on experience and one-on-one mentorship from leading faculty and industry professionals.

University Admissions Forms On-line:

The following information applies to all MSIE students unless otherwise noted.
  • As described in “Academic Procedures,” students should choose a major professor, supervisory committee, and file a degree plan as soon as possible after admission. These steps must be taken no later than the end of the second semester of study.
  • By the end of their first semester, MSIE students are required to declare their status as a Thesis or Non-Thesis MSIE Candidate. Students may switch between these two options during the course of their study by submitting an updated degree plan form. (Students who enrolled before Fall 2000 may also opt between the Thesis and Non-Thesis Options.)
  • Students may only repeat two courses one time or repeat one course two times.
  • Only two courses (6 credit hours) taken prior to admission will be credited toward an MSIE Degree.

Students should ensure that they read and meet the requirements for their respective university as detailed in the Graduate Bulletin, as well as meet the requirements of the College and Department.


Connect with faculty in your research area


Program Requirements

*There are three sets of courses under the traditional MSIE program: core courses, specialization IE courses and electives.

Each MSIE student who intends to complete a thesis is required to:

  • Take a minimum of thirty (30) graduate credit hours - twenty-four (24) hours of course work and 6 thesis hours, of which at least eighteen (18) of the course work hours must be in the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department.
  • File a degree plan, where students must specify one of the Department's areas of concentration as their major:
    • Manufacturing Systems and Engineering, or
    • Quality Engineering and Industrial Systems.
    • If the desired area of concentration is different from the initial area assigned (based on the student's graduate application), a petition to the Director of Graduate Studies must be submitted requesting the change.
  • Fulfill each area's own requirements in addition to the Departmental requirements, which will be determined by the student's advisory committee.
  • See the curriculum for MSIE Thesis Option for core and elective course requirements.
  • Achieve a grade of "B" or better in each core course. Students not achieving a "B" must either retake the course or take another course in a related area that will be determined by the program advisor in consultation with the instructor of the core course in which the student did not achieve at least a "B". 
    (Students who graduated in Spring 2003 or before may have no more than one grade of "C" in their core courses.)
  • Obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or above to graduate.

NOTE: All committee members and the student must be physically present during the entire defense. In cases where this is not possible, the department allows no more than one member to attend the defense in real time by participating via distance technology. The distance technology must allow two way audio and visual links. That is, the committee member who is away can be seen and heard by all other members and the student and vice versa. Communication link that allow only audio (i.e. teleconferencing) is not acceptable in a defense.


MSIE with non-thesis option

Under exceptional circumstances, students may be allowed administratively to complete an MSIE non-theses option. In such cases, students are required to complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of course work at the graduate level, at least 24 of which must be taken in the Department of Industrial Engineering, without writing a thesis. A maximum of 6 credits can be taken from an affiliate business school. All business course enrollments are based upon approval and availability of that particular college and not directed by the Department of Industrial Engineering. Each student must obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or above in order to graduate.

Suggested Study Timetable for MSIE Thesis and Non-Thesis Students

Before first semester registration

  • Meet with the Director of Graduate Studies or your temporary graduate advisor to plan a course of study for your first semester and to confirm any prerequisite needs.

During the first semester

  • Begin the process of identifying faculty research interests compatible with your career goals.

Before the end of the second semester

At least one semester before the final semester

  • Develop and present a thesis proposal (Thesis Option only).
  • Schedule proposal defense through committee chair (Thesis Option only).

During final semester

  • Apply for graduation.
  • At least six weeks prior to the final thesis defense, make a thesis research progress presentation (Thesis Option only, if required by supervisory committee). Use the progress presentation form.
  • Pay the diploma fee.
  • Schedule the final oral examination through committee chair (Thesis Option only).
  • Defend the thesis (Thesis Option only).
  • Arrange for cap and gown at FAMU or FSU bookstore.

Special considerations for international students

Because of specific guidelines set by the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), international students should not plan to begin their first semester of study in the summer. For visa purposes, international students are required through CGE to enroll in 9 credit hours for their first semester, of which 6 hours must be in person. IME only offers online graduate courses during the summer, so no appropriate courses for international MS and Ph.D. students are available. Please plan to enroll for a fall or spring start.