Faculty: Shonda BernadinVictor DeBrunnerOmar FaruqueBing Kwan

Faculties in our Department are doing research on photovoltaics and energy storage systems such as batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors. Most of the faculties working in the energy are affiliated with the Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy (AME) Center.


Research Focus Areas

  • Characterization of speech and sound waves using wavelets and other time-frequency analysis methods

  • Data analysis techniques

  • Digital Signal Processing

  • Electromagnetics and wireless communications

  • Image processing

  • Language modeling

  • Pattern recognition 

  • Real-time DSP in communication systems

  • Remote data collection and lightning surge suppression/protection

  • Robotics

  • Speech recognition

  • Spread-spectrum communications

  • Teleoperation

  • Wireless communication and networks