Departmental Research Areas
Active Research Collaborations
Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy Center
Center for Advanced Power Systems
High-Performance Materials Institute
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Annual Report 2024
Innovating technological advances while educating the next generation of engineers.
The mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to provide an innovative academic undergraduate program of excellence to its majors; to produce graduates whose academic achievements match or exceed those of recognized state supported engineering colleges; to produce a greater number of graduates from groups traditionally economically disadvantaged (especially, African-American and female graduates) in electrical engineering; and to achieve national and international recognition through the excellence of its faculty and students research and scholarly pursuits, as well as their professional and service endeavors.
The vision of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to serve the state and nation by becoming a leading educational and research program in Electrical and Computer engineering. We aim to capitalize on the fundamental strengths of electrical and computer engineering in the study and application of signals, controls, power systems, electronics and robotics to make innovative and creative advances to solving pressing societal problems in human health, environment, and industry.