The AME Center serves as an incubator for cross-disciplinary research involving researchers in the 3 core research areas, as well as faculty and scientists from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and other STEM disciplines. An example of this synergy is the application of the mechatronic group's novel optimal adaptive control technology to problems in flow control, a specialty of the aero-propulsion group.

Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) is a multidisciplinary research center organized to perform basic and applied research to advance the field of power systems technology with emphasis on application to electric utility, defense, and transportation. It has core competencies in the areas of power systems modeling, analysis, and control in the context of real-time digital simulators, power electronics, electrical machines and drive systems, superconductivity, and thermal systems analysis.

The vision of the Center for Intelligent, Systems, Control, and Robotics (CISCOR) is to use state-of-the-art technology to develop practical solutions to problems in systems, control, and robotics for applications in industry and government. CISCOR faculty come from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Statistics and provide expertise such as mechanical design, dynamic modeling, control, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and computer vision.

The FREEDM Systems Center (FREEDMSC) and Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) initiative is the product of a collaborative effort between Florida A&M University, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, and Arizona State University to establish secure, sustainable, and clean energy.

The Florida A&M University – Florida State University College of Engineering maintains a Machine shop for support of research programs and of undergraduate and graduate education. The Machine Shop assists students, faculty, and staff with their cutting edge research and education by providing the necessary knowledge, equipment, and experience in machining and fabrication. In addition to offering the latest in CAD/CAM programs, the COE Machine Shop is equipped with a Haas CNC lathe, Haas CNC mills, and an Omax water jet machining center, enabling the shop to offer a high level of part accuracy for a variety of manufacturing processes.
For more information or to request services, visit the machine shop web page.

The mission of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), as set forth by NSF, is: "To provide the highest magnetic fields and necessary services for scientific research conducted by users from a wide range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, biology and geology." In line with this, it generates the world's highest DC magnetic fields. ME researchers in the Maglab perform research and development projects involving very low temperature science and technology, relevant to the cooling of superconducting magnets.