Faculty: Drs. Linda DeBrunnerUwe Meyer-BaeseReginald Perry and Ming Yu


Research Focus Areas

  • Digital signal processing with FPGAs, VHDL, obfuscation in C, VHLD, and Verilog, C2H on DE2, LISA RISC, CSE, and SMAG

  • Improving the key performance indexes (KPI) of both wired and wireless networks

  • Applications to various cyber-physical systems (CPS)Estimating bridge displacement.

  • Communication networks for intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

  • Smart grids communications for power distribution systems

  • Rapid prototyping using field-programmable logic devices

  • CMOS based optoelectronics

  • Engineering education


Research Projects

  • Low power digital signal processing implementations

  • Designing multipliers for digital signal processing algorithms

  • Estimating bridge displacement