Omar Faruque, Ph.D.

Omar Faruque, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department Graduate Director (ECE)
Phone Numbers
Building B, Room B365
Educational History
Ph.D., Power Engineering, University of Alberta, 2008
MEng.Sc., University of Malaya, Malaysia, 1999
BSc.Engg., Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, 1993
Research Interests
Real-time simulation
Ship electric systems
Application of real-time simulation in the area of bulk power system monitoring and control, smart grid and renewable energy integration

Current Research Projects

  1. A Lyapunov Function Based Remedial Action Screening Tool Using Real-Time Data (Funded by Department of Energy, DOE)
    This is a multi-university and industry-participated project which focuses on the development of a composite Lyapunov function-based method of transient stability analysis that can be solved at real-time speed without the use of massively parallel computing resources. For validating the developed algorithm, 14-rack RTDS at FSU –CAPS will be used to emulate approximately 300 bus power grid and it will stream PMU data to the remote center where the algorithm is running on a general-purpose computer to evaluate the status of the system stability.

  2. FEEDER- Foundations for Engineering Education for Distributed Energy Resources (Funded by Department of Energy, DOE)
    The FEEDER is a consortium consists of seven Universities in the southeast United States, eight utility companies, seven supporting industry partners, and two national labs. FEEDER undertakes research, curriculum development, education, and training activities aiming at widespread adoption of distributed renewable energy resources and deployment of smart grid technologies.

  3. Fault management in Fault Current Limited Medium Voltage DC System (Funded by Office of Naval Research, ONR)
    Using FSU-CAPS Digital Real-Time Simulators and MVDC test bed, HIL-based simulation and experiments are conducted to limit the fault current, identify the location, isolation of the faulted circuit, and re-energization of the healthy part. The project objective is to develop an ultra-fast MVDC fault management system using power electronics and control techniques.

  4. Control of Distributed Energy Storage for DC Distribution System of Electric Ship (Funded by Office of Naval Research, ONR)
    This project aims to develop a distributed energy storage management system using bi-directional power flow converters and their controllers. This work concentrates on a load-centric power and energy management system that allows buffering, load leveling, and shedding to mitigate the impact on the overall power system under different loading conditions.

Research Opportunities

Research opportunities are available from time to time. Please contact me at if you want to pursue graduate studies for future opportunities.

Research Labs

For information on our research facilities please visit my website:

Dr. Omar Faruque is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prior to joining the ECE, he was working at the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) as an Assistant Scholar/Scientist. Dr. Faruque has worked in both industry and academia in between his degree programs. Dr. Faruque's research focuses on the modeling, simulation, and experimental validation of power systems and their controllers. He uses simulation techniques including Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) for studying system interactions in the areas of FACTS, HVDC, electric drive, ship technology, smart grid, and renewable energy, and other areas of power engineering.


Atighechi, H., Chiniforoosh, S., Jatskevich, J., Davoudi, A., Martinez, J. A., Faruque, M. O., Sood, V., Saeedifard, M., & Strunz, K. (in press). Dynamic average value modeling of CIGRE HVDC benchmark system. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 8 pages.

Faruque, M. O., V. Dinavahi, M. Steurer, A. Monti, K. Strunz, J.A. Martinez, G.W. Chang, J. Jatskevich, R. Iravani, & A. Davoudi. (2012). Interfacing Issues in Multi-Domain Simulation Tools. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 27, 439-448. doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2170861

Myaing, A., Faruque, M. O., Dinavahi, V., & Dufour, C. (2012). Comparison of insulated gate bipolar transistor models for FPGA-based real-timesimulation of electric drives and application guideline. IET Power Electronics, 5, 293-303. doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0105

Ren, W., Sloderbeack, M., Steurer, M., Dinavahi, V., Noda, T., Filizadeh, S., Chevrefils, A. R., Iravani, R., Dofour, C., & Faruque, M. O. (2011). Interfacing Issues in Real-Time Digital Simulators. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 26 (2), 1213-1221. doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2010.2072792