All first-year engineering students (first year in college or first-year transfer students) are initially coded as pre-engineering students until they satisfy the following pre-engineering requirement: Students must have an overall GPA of 2.0 or better and achieve a grade of 'C' or better, from any institution attended, in First Year Engineering Laboratory, Calculus I, Calculus II, General Chemistry I and General Physics I to be admitted to an engineering major. Intended chemical engineering students shall replace General Physics I with General Chemistry II. A single repeated attempt in only one of the five (5) courses listed above with no more than one grade of "C-" is allowed. Students completing a second bachelor's degree, or who have completed a similar course at another institution, or who transfer into the College already having credit for all of the other pre-engineering courses listed above may be eligible to receive an exemption from having to complete the First-Year Engineering Laboratory course. Students should contact the College of Engineering if they feel they qualify for an exemption.

Any student who needs two repeated attempts to complete the five courses or has two or more grades of "C-" may be considered for continuation in engineering if additional grade and coursework requirements are satisfied; see below. Any student who needs more than two repeated attempts to complete the five courses listed above does not satisfy this requirement and will not be allowed to continue in the engineering program. There are NO exceptions to this requirement. Grades of "W" are not considered as a repeated attempt.

Pre-engineering students are strongly encouraged to contact an academic advisor prior to enrolling in any of the five pre-engineering courses to ensure they have completed the proper course prerequisites. Table II below provides a concise summary of this requirement:

Students must have an overall GPA of 2.0 or better and achieve a grade of "C" or better, from any institution attended, in First Year Engineering Laboratory, Calculus I, Calculus II, General Chemistry I, and General Chemistry II to be admitted to the Chemical Engineering major. A single repeated attempt in only one of the five (5) courses listed above with no more than one grade of "C-" is allowed. Students completing a second bachelor's degree, or who have completed a similar course at another institution, or who transfer into the College already with credit for all of the other pre-engineering courses listed above may be eligible to receive an exemption from having to complete the First-Year Engineering Laboratory course. Students should contact the College of Engineering if they feel they qualify for an exemption.


Table II. Summary of Pre-Engineering Requirements

Number of repeated attempts in the five courses* Number of grades of C- obtained in the five courses* Eligibility Status
3 or more N/A NOT eligible to continue
2 N/A Provisional (Must satisfy additional course requirements)
1 2 or more Provisional (Must satisfy additional course requirements)
0 0 or 1 Eligible to continue
2 or more Provisional (Must satisfy additional course requirements)
0 or more Eligible to continue

* FYE Lab, Calculus I, Calculus II, Chemistry I, and Physics I. Intended ChE majors shall replace Physics I with Chemistry II.

A student who needed two repeated attempts to complete the five courses or has two or more grades of "C-" may be considered for continuation in engineering if additional grade and coursework requirements are satisfied. These additional requirements are determined by each academic program. They give the student a final opportunity to demonstrate that he or she may have the academic ability to successfully complete an engineering program. The additional course and grade requirement will depend on the student's intended major. For the BS degree in Chemical Engineering this requirement is a "C" grade or better in the first attempt of ECH 3023 - Mass and Energy Balances I. Students must satisfy the requirement on their first graded attempt.


Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering - Declaration of Major

After a pre-engineering student satisfies all of the pre-engineering requirements (listed above), they may initiate a change from pre-engineering status to the BS degree program in Chemical Engineering. To help them decide whether the field of chemical engineering is right for them, students can access a wealth of information at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers web site at, and the Biomedical Engineering Society's web site at Students will be required to declare a major, choosing one of the three major options within the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.

The Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering offers academic major options in the sub-disciplines of:

  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Chemical - Materials Engineering
  3. Biomedical Engineering

All three majors, as part of the BS degree in Chemical Engineering, are fully accredited by the national organization ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

The Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering web site is The current BS program curriculum and course checklist are available on the Department's web site as downloadable files. Prospective and current students can peruse these documents to get an idea of what courses may transfer here and count towards their BS degree. For freshmen, a BS degree in Chemical Engineering takes about four to five years (plus summers) to complete, depending upon AP, CLEP, and transfer credits.