Major in Chemical-Materials Engineering
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- Major in Chemical-Materials Engineering
(FSU Plan: ENGCHMMTBS Chemical Eng/Materials - BS)
(FAMU Major Code: 44104)
Advanced Chemistry Elective (3-4)
- CHM 3120 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry with Lab (FSU) (3) or
CHM 3120 and CHM 3120L Quantitative Analysis with Lab (FAMU) (2/2)
Chemical Engineering Electives (3/3)
Select two (2) of the following courses:
- ECH 4823 Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering (3)
- ECH 4824 Chemical Engineering Materials (3)
- ECH 4825 Polymer Process Engineering (3)
- ECH 4937 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (3)
Note: A six (6) credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations ECH 4904 (ECH - URP) or ECH 4906 (ECH - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Chemical Engineering Electives requirement.