Grade Requirements

A program of study encompassing at least one hundred twenty-eight semester hours is required for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in biomedical engineering. A candidate for the Bachelor's degree is required to earn a "C" or higher in all engineering courses, and must achieve a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in all of the biomedical engineering major courses (with prefix "ECH" or "BME"). In addition, students must achieve a grade of "C–" or higher in all courses transferred into the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering. Students should contact the Department for the most up-to-date information concerning the biomedical engineering curriculum requirements.


Undergraduate Majors

There are three undergraduate majors within the biomedical engineering Bachelor’s degree program:

  • Cell & Bioprocess Engineering
  • Biomaterials & Biopolymers Engineering
  • Image & Signal Process Engineering

Most of the curriculum is common to all majors, and includes topics in liberal studies, mathematics, basic science, computer science, advanced chemistry, general engineering science, chemical engineering and biomedical engineering science and design. History/social science and humanities/fine arts electives are to be selected to satisfy the FSU liberal studies requirement or the FAMU general education requirement.

Coursework Requirements Common to All B.S. Majors in the Biomedical Engineering

Students in all three majors should successfully complete the following courses in addition to the liberal/general studies, other University, and College of Engineering requirements:

Math and Science Prerequisite

  • MAC 2311 – Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
  • MAC 2312 – Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
  • MAC 2313 – Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (5)
  • MAP 2302 – Ordinary Differential Equations (3) (transfer students only)
  • BSC 2010 – Biological Science I (3)
  • CHM 1045 – General Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 1045L – General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
  • CHM 1046 – General Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 1046L – General Chemistry II Laboratory (1)
  • PHY 2048C – General Physics A (combined lecture/lab) (5)
  • PHY 2049C – General Physics B (combined lecture/lab) (5)

Advanced Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • CHM 3217 – Organic Chemistry (3)
  • BCH 3023 – Survey Biochemistry (3)

General Engineering

  • EGN 1004L – First Year Engineering Lab (1)

Chemical Engineering Science and Design

  • ECH 3023 – Mass and Energy Balances I (3)
  • ECH 3024 – Mass and Energy Balances II (4)
  • ECH 3301 – Process Analysis and Design (4)

Biomedical Engineering Science and Design

  • BME 3009 – Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)
  • BME 4403C – Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology I (3)
  • BME 4404C – Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology II (3)
  • BME 3622 – Biothermodynamics (3)
  • BME 3361 – Biotransport Phenomena (3)
  • BME 3702 – BME Computations (4)
  • BME 4503 – Bioinstrumentation (3)
  • BME 4503L – Bioinstrumentation Lab (1)
  • BME 3100 – Biomaterials (3)
  • BME 4211 – Biomechanics (3)
  • BME 4744C – Biodynamics & Control (4)
  • BME 4801 – BME Design I (3)
  • BME 4802 – BME Design II (3)
  • BME 4XXX – Biomedical Engineering Electives (9)

Chemical Engineering Science and Design

  • ECH 3023 – Mass and Energy Balances I (3)
  • ECH 3024 – Mass and Energy Balances II (4)
  • ECH 3301 – Process Analysis and Design (4)

BME Major Specific Requirements

Major in Cell & Bioprocess Engineering

  • BME 4332 – Cellular & Tissue Engineering (3)
  • BME 4332L – Cellular & Tissue Engr. Lab (1)
  • ECH 4504 – Kinetics and Reactor Design (3)


Major in Biomaterials and Biopolymers Engineering

  • BME 4332 – Cellular & Tissue Engineering (3)
  • BME 4332L – Cellular & Tissue Engr. Lab (1)
  • ECH 4823 – Polymer Science and Engineering (3)


Major in Imaging and Signal Processing

  • BME 4531 – Medical Imaging (3)
  • BME 4531L – Medical Imaging Lab (1)
  • BME 4508 – Biosignals & Signal Processing (3)