(FSU Plan: ENGCHMMTBS Chemical Eng/Materials - BS)
(FAMU Major Code: 44104)

Advanced Chemistry Elective (3-4)

  1. CHM 3120 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry with Lab (FSU) (3) or
    CHM 3120 and CHM 3120L Quantitative Analysis with Lab (FAMU) (2/2)

Chemical Engineering Electives (3/3)

Select two (2) of the following courses:

  1. ECH 4823 Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering (3)
  2. ECH 4824 Chemical Engineering Materials (3)
  3. ECH 4825 Polymer Process Engineering (3)
  4. ECH 4937 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (3)

Note: A six (6) credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations ECH 4904 (ECH - URP) or ECH 4906 (ECH - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Chemical Engineering Electives requirement.