Danny Georgiadis, Ph.D.

Danny Georgiadis, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing (IME) at the FAMUFSU College of Engineering was awarded Engineer of the Year in 2018 by the District of Columbia Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies (DCCEAS). Georgiadis was nominated by the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE).

Jacquay Henderson

Jacquay Henderson is a FAMU-FSU alumnus and founder and CEO of Square Peg Technologies, a Washington, D.C-based company that utilizes data science and analytics to find strategies for optimizing the quality and performance of their clients.

Turning adversity into “ah-ha!”

When Jonathan Yepez was young, he was great at English and history, but math was a different story. All the way up to high school—and almost failing algebra—Yepez struggled with the skill. One day it hit him that he was struggling because he hadn’t mastered the basics in elementary school.

Now a fourth-year industrial engineering student at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Yepez prides himself to be a “math, history, English” guy. He’s determined to pass that “ah-ha” moment on to the next generation.