A new look for our forward momentum

The strategic planning committee is excited to present the new name and logo for our college’s 5-year strategic plan. “Engineering our Future,” the new strategic plan for the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, is a narrative and visual representation of our unique and shared “One College” vision, as well as our exciting and bold steps forward as we secure our excellence throughout the engineering and academic communities.

The plan’s transition of identity and look originated from the results of the multiple SWOT analyses conducted by the five (5) subcommittees: Student Success, Research & Graduate Studies, Visibility, Operational Support, and One College. The “not so hidden” symbolism in our new strategic planning logo includes:

  • Parallelogram: The facing sides of a parallelogram are equal in length and the opposite angles are equal in measure, as is the significance of our two parent universities to our future success…equal.
  • Joined Parallelograms: Stacking the two parallelograms on top of one another, creates an arrow, an arrow pointing to the future, the future of our college.
  • Colors selected for “arrow” (joined parallelograms): The Garnet represents FSU; the Orange represents FAMU.
  • Title: Engineering OUR Future was selected because this plan is OUR plan, created through the collaboration between students, staff, faculty, alumni, administration, donors, etc. And the future success of OUR college is dependent on OUR joint and active participation. 

Let us know what you think of OUR new logo and strategic plan title, by emailing us.


We identified five strategic priorities to focus on for the next five years. For each of these priorities, we set goals with identified metrics for our college: 


Student Success

Deliver world-class, 21st-century engineering education, while eliminating disparities and enabling student success 


Goal 1.1: We will make our college a top choice for high performing students who share our mission, vision, and values.

Goal 1.2: We will develop and provide funding opportunities to support students’ financial needs.

Goal 1.3: We will foster an environment that is conducive to learning and a high-quality student experience.

Goal 1.4: We will provide our students with opportunities to engage in educational and industry experiences so they can thrive in a diverse engineering workforce.

Goal 1.5: We will increase progression through degree programs and the timely graduation of our students.

Research & Graduate Education

Engage in transformative multidisciplinary research and graduate education


Goal 2.1: We will recruit, retain, and engage high-quality faculty in areas that impact the future of engineering.

Goal 2.2: We will recruit, train, and graduate the next generation of outstanding engineers with advanced degrees.

Goal 2.3: We will pursue impactful, groundbreaking research through multi-disciplinary partnerships and through the growth and development of centers and institutes.

Goal 2.4: We will promote a culture of inclusive excellence that develops intellectual curiosity in a supportive environment.


Soar in global visibility while remaining locally engaged


Goal 3.1: We will increase our visibility and reputation at the local, state, and national level.

Goal 3.2: We will develop strategies, tactics and plans to raise the awareness of our exceptional educational experience, accolades, research, and expertise to stakeholders.

Goal 3.3: We will create a framework and environment that encourages and facilitates the engagement of faculty, staff, and students in educational outreach with the community and K-12 students locally, state-wide, and nationally.

Operational Support

Enable determined operational support for all College of Engineering stakeholders


Goal 4.1: We will diversify and expand our fiscal resources by increasing fundraising, donations, sponsorships and/or auxiliary revenue procurement.

Goal 4.2: We will increase our access to high-quality research and educational space for the benefit of all faculty, staff, and students.

Goal 4.3: We will recruit, retain, and engage highly qualified staff and pay them at a competitive and equitable rate within Florida and the nation.

Goal 4.4: We will ensure an equitable and transparent operation of the joint college by clarifying and standardizing the duties and roles for all faculty and staff.

Goal 4.5: We will adopt a standardized instructional technology and cyber-infrastructure that is uniformly accessible.

One College

Foster a “OneCollege” culture that celebrates our unique engineering community


Goal 5.1: We will identify and celebrate the uniqueness of our joint college.

Goal 5.2: We will ensure equitable and fair access to resources for all faculty, staff, and students.

Goal 5.3: We will ensure equitable representation within our campus and with external stakeholders.

Strategies and Metrics

The Strategic Planning Committee co-chairs have compiled and sorted the hard work of the strategic priority subcommittees to present the draft strategies and metrics below. All FAMU-FSU College of Engineering stakeholders are invited to review the attached documents and share your thoughts and opinions with us, by emailing us.


These documents were updated 03/06/2024:

One College   Operational Support     Research and Graduate Studies   Student Success    Visibility    Metrics


These documents were updated 10/09/2023:

Strategies - Draft     Metrics - Draft

Revised and Final DRAFT Mission, Vision & Value Statements

Our Strategic Planning Committee co-chairs recently released this revised and final draft of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering’s proposed Mission, Vision & Value Statements, as of 3/24/23. We still need your thoughts and opinions, please email us and let us know what you think:

Vision (3/24/23)

The FAMU‐FSU College of Engineering will be an academic leader in engineering by focusing on inclusive excellence in research, education and service.

Mission (3/24/23)

As the only joint college of engineering in the nation that sits at the nexus of two exceptional public universities, the mission of the Florida A&M University‐Florida State University College of Engineering is to define a new standard of excellence that is built on a solid foundation of diversity and inclusiveness. The FAMU‐FSU College of Engineering will: (1) provide innovative undergraduate and graduate academic programs of the highest caliber; (2) be a leader in graduating minority and women engineers; and (3) attain national and international recognition through ground‐breaking research achievements and the service of its faculty and students.

Values (3/24/23)

Innovation, Collaboration, Excellence, Creativity, Inclusion

Project Updates

Subcommittees in Full Swing (2/6/23)

We are excited to announce that the College’s Strategic Planning exercise is in full swing and there are still several opportunities for you to join the process as we map out the College’s goals and objectives for the next five years. Currently, we are completing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities) analysis for each of our strategic priorities: Student Success, One College, Operational Support, Visibility and Research and Graduate Studies.

And, we want to hear from you. Email us know your thoughts on the College’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for any of our identified priorities.


Strategic Priorities Update (3/2/23)


Strategic Plan Update (7/1/23)

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all the college stakeholders who participated in the strategic planning process thus far, especially those that chaired and served on subcommittees. The Strategic Planning Committee received forty-three (43) suggested goals from the five (5) subcommittees. As the submitted goals were reviewed, we were pleased to discover that each subcommittee had overlapping priorities and goals with other subcommittees. These common goals for “engineering our future” allowed the Strategic Planning Committee Cochairs to reduce the College’s goals to twenty (20) while ensuring that all the priorities provided by our subcommittees were included in the creation of the goals, strategies, and metrics outlined in the draft plan.

Through the efforts and products developed from the subcommittees it became clear that our engineering community is engaged and excited about the future of our joint college. As we set forth on this journey together, as “One College” of Two Universities with Unlimited Opportunity we look forward to continuing to work with all of you as we engineer our future. Thank you again for all your hard work. We look forward to hearing from you regarding the goals presented below and are excited to share the strategies and metrics associated with each goal soon. Email us to let us know your thoughts on the College’s goals.


College of Engineering Leadership Retreat (8/11/23)

The Strategic Planning Committee cochairs, Lisa Spainhour & Mark Weatherspoon presented the draft strategies and metrics to members of the college leadership including the dean, assistant and associate deans, department chairs, and center directors.


Department & Center Level Strategic Plans (8/22/23)

Templates for department and center level strategic plans were distributed to academic department chairs and center directors to aid their leadership in creating their specialized and individualized department/center plans. Each academic department and research center of the college are actively working to create their own strategic plans that demonstrate their support of the goals and metrics of the College’s plan.


Specialized Unit Action Plan Template Distribution (8/29-9/5/23)

Action Plan templates were distributed to college units that have goals and strategies specifically assigned to their unit for them to identify the actions their unit will take to accomplish the strategies and metrics assigned to them in the College’s plan.


New Faculty Orientation (9/8/23)

The Strategic Planning Committee cochairs, Lisa Spainhour & Mark Weatherspoon presented the status of the College’s strategic plan to new faculty.


Work Schedule

Subcommittee Work Update (2/23/23)

The subcommittees have been finalizing an in-depth analysis of their priority and finalizing their Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) process. The top five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for each priority subcommittee will be published here shortly.

Subcommittee Work Update (2/24 – 3/1)

During this timeframe, the subcommittees will be collecting data and metrics necessary for them to create and define their “we will” statements for inclusion in the College’s 5-year Strategic Plan. 

Ready to get involved?thought bubble icon

Get in touch with the strategic planning team to plug into the process.
Everyone is welcome at the table as a valued member of our Engineering community.