Maribel Amwake Joins FAMU-FSU Engineering as New Director of Student Engagement

Maribel Amwake is the new Director of Student Engagement at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. She brings a wealth of academic experience to the position, and her role will be to provide leadership and support to student organizations on campus. She plans to be involved with the mentorship program as well as assist with scholarships and awards at the college.

Destiny Law is Engineering a New Path

Undergraduate Research Spotlight

Destiny Law is a second-year senior electrical engineering student at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. She attends Florida A&M University (FAMU) and hails from Orlando. Law is an undergraduate researcher in the Advanced Sensors Technologies for Applications in Electrical Engineering Research and Innovation Excellence Consortium (ASTERIX). 

What is your study area?

As of now, I am between going into cybersecurity or software engineering. I might do both.

Engineering undergrad is taking a research-based approach to discovering her engineering passion

Undergraduate Research Spotlight

Bailee Ku is a second-year mechanical engineering major at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Originally from Taiwan, she is an undergraduate researcher at the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) through the Florida State University Intern Program. 

Opportunities for undergraduate research experience give students path to success

Getting into the engineering research lab often and early can be the key to finding your future career path

Florida State University sophomore Bailee Ku spent the summer of 2021 as a paid undergraduate research assistant at the internationally renowned Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS). As an engineering student, she is interested in medical devices and aerospace and is exploring internships during the summer.