Notice of Intent

You must file a Notice of Intent to Graduate: FAMU | FSU

Application for Graduation

You must apply for graduation. Your application is for a specific term and year. If you do not graduate you must submit a new application next semester. Please consult with your major professor before applying for graduation. FAMU students must complete the Notice of Intent before they can file the formal graduation application through iRattler (see How to apply for graduation for details). FSU students must apply online through MyFSU (Instructions).

Once you have applied for graduation, a STOP will be placed on any future registration unless you have been readmitted to the university or your name has been removed from the graduation list. When you receive a degree from the University, you are "discharged" as a student. If you wish to continue as a doctoral student or special/non-degree seeking student you must apply for readmission to the University.

Final Term Registration

You must register for thesis or dissertation credit hours in your final semester, even if you have satisfied the thesis or dissertation credit requirement for your degree. This is a university requirement and your graduation will be denied if this requirement is not satisfied. FAMU students must register for at least 1 credit hour (additional credit hours may be necessary if you are supported by the university). FSU students must register for 9 credit hours (or 3 credit hours during the summer). Unsupported FSU students must register for a minimum of 2 credit hours.

Defense Announcement and Scheduling

You must submit your defense announcement form at least two weeks prior to your defense date. A copy of the form along with an abstract must be submitted to the department. You must also post your announcement on the College of Engineering Events page:

  • Events: When completing the Events form, under "Events Detail", check “Engineering” and Mechanical Engineering.

If you are defending at the College of Engineering, please contact the Dean’s Office to schedule a conference room. If you are defending at one of the research centers (AME, CAPS, Magnet Lab, etc.) you need to contact the administrative secretary for that particular research center to reserve a conference room.



You must defend your manuscript at least two weeks before the final manuscript submission deadline. If you do not defend by this date your application for graduation will be administratively canceled. Please make sure that you register for the appropriate defense course. However, if you have previously registered for thesis or dissertation defense DO NOT register for it again. Please check your transcripts before registering for defense.

EML 8976 - Thesis Defense (MS)
EML 8985 - Dissertation Defense (PhD)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All members of the defense committee must be present either physically or via conference call (Skype, GoToMeeting WebEx, etc.) on the scheduled defense date. You MAY NOT schedule a separate defense for one or more committee members.

Graduation Forms

You will need to complete several forms as part of the manuscript submission process.

Florida A&M University

The forms list below are located online at

  1. Thesis and Dissertation Research Project Approval Form [PDF]
  2. Defense Announcement Form (see manuscript guide)
  3. College of Engineering Events Post
  4. Notification of Defense Outcome [PDF] (+)
  5. Signature Page (see manuscript guide)
  6. Survey of Earned Doctorates (*)

+ Due within one week of your defense.
* Complete Section B of the Survey of Earned Doctorates and return it to the Department.

Florida State University

MS Forms
The forms listed below are located in GradSpace at under My Organizations.

  1. Defense Announcement Form
  2. College of Engineering Events Post
  3. Manuscript Access Agreement Form
  4. Embargo Request Form (^)
  5. Final Degree Clearance Form
  6. Responsible Conduct of Research & Creativity Survey
  7. Signature Page
  8. Survey of Earned Doctorates (*)

* Complete Section B of the Survey of Earned Doctorates and return it to the Department.

PhD Forms
The forms listed below are located in GradSpace at under My Organizations.

  1. Defense Announcement Form
  2. College of Engineering Events Post
  3. Manuscript Access Agreement Form
  4. Final Degree Clearance Form
  5. PhD Completion Exit Survey
  6. Responsible Conduct of Research & Creativity Survey
  7. University Representative Doctoral Defense Report (+)
  8. Embargo Request Form (^)
  9. Survey of Earned Doctorates (*)
  10. Signature Page

+ Due within one week of your defense.
* A copy must be submitted to the Department 
^ Only required if pursuing an embargo for your manuscript and selected Option 2 Embargoed Access on Manuscript Access Agreement Form.

Manuscript Review and Format Approval

You must submit a draft copy of your manuscript to the university for review. The university will check that your manuscript is properly formatted and conforms to the established guidelines. The manuscript review process is mandatory. If you fail to submit your manuscript for review by the deadline the university will not accept your final manuscript, even if you have successfully defended your thesis or dissertation. NO LATE MANUSCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

FAMU: Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines
FSU: Guidelines and Requirements for Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations


Students should submit all documents requiring the Dean's signature to Mrs. Frederika Manciagli in the Associate Dean's office (B111)

Final Manuscript Submission and Clearance

Please follow the submission guidelines specified by your university. Students are required to complete the entire clearance process for their final manuscript within a certain timeframe. FAMU students must complete the process within 30 days of their defense date or the submission deadline which ever comes first. FSU students must complete the process within 60 days of their defense date or the submission deadline, which ever comes first. THIS IS A UNIVERSITY POLICY AND NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. NO LATE MANUSCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.