The following is a list of graduate courses that may be offered. For the current semester's courses, please see ME Course Listings.


EGM 5444 - Advanced Dynamics (3) 

Prerequisites: EGN 3321; EML 3220; MAP 3306

Topics include particle and rigid body kinematics, particle and rigid body kinetics, D'Alembert Principle, Lagranges equations of motion, system stability, computational techniques, orbital dynamics, multi-body dynamics.

EGM 5611 - Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing

Solid and fluid continua. Cartesian tensor theory. Kinematics of infinitesimal deformation, relations between stress, strain, and strain rate for elastic, plastic, and viscous solids and for compressible and viscous fluids. General equations of continuum mechanics, integral forms, and their physical interpretation. Particular forms of equations and boundary conditions for elastic and viscoelastic solids and Newtonian fluids.

EGM 5653 - Theory of Elasticity (3)

Prerequisite: EGM 5611

This is an introductory course which provides background necessary to mechanical engineers who wish to pursue the area of theoretical or analytical solid mechanics. Topics include Cartesian tensors, kinetics and kinematics of motion, constitutive equations, linearized theory of elasticity, and solutions to boundary value problems.

EGM 5810 - Viscous Fluid Flows (3)

Prerequisite: EML 5709

Presents the basic fundamentals underlying the mechanics of gas, air, and fluid flows. Discussion of the possible methods of estimating and predicting the characteristics and parameters governing those flows.

EGM 6845 - Turbulent Flows (3) 

Prerequisite: EML 5709

In-depth study of turbulent, flows, statistical description of turbulence; instability and transition; turbulence closure modeling; free shear and boundary layer flows; complex shear flows; development of computational strategies; recent literature on applications and chaos phenomena.

EGN 5456 - Introduction to Computational Mechanics (3)

Prerequisite: MAP 4402

Familiarizes students with the procedures, stability, advantages, and disadvantages of numerical discretization, as applied to solution of common engineering problems. Emphasizes numerical experimentation, cost effectiveness, and range of applicability.

EMA 5226 - Mechanical Metallurgy (3) 

Prerequisites: EGM 3520; EML 3234

Tensile instability, crystallography, theory of dislocations, plasticity, hardening mechanisms, creep and fracture, electron microscopy, composite materials.

EMA 5514 - Optical and Electron Microscopy (3) 

Prerequisite: EML 3012C or instructor permission

Fundamentals and techniques of optical and electron microscopy as applied to the determination of physical, chemical, and structural properties of materials and materials behavior in practice.

EML 5060 - Analysis in Mechanical Engineering (3) 

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering

Familiarizes the student with methods of analysis in mechanical engineering. Surveys applications of integration and series, ordinary and partial differential equations, and linear algebra.

EML 5072 - Applied Superconductivity (3)

Prerequisites: EEL 3472; EGM 3520; EML 3100; 3234; PHY 3101

Introduction to superconductivity for applications, fundamentals of the superconducting state, transport current and metallurgy of superconductors, Superconducting electrons and magnets, system engineering.

EML 5152 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer (3) 

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering

An introductory course in basic heat transfer concepts. Topics include conduction and heat diffusion equation, forced and free convection, radiative heat transfer, boiling heat transfer, and condensation.

EML 5155 - Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (3)

Prerequisites: EGM 5810; EML 5152

Familiarizes the student with methods to evaluate a convection heat transfer coefficient and a mass transfer coefficient for a variety of engineering applications. Evaluation of the driving force in mass transfer and combined problems.

EML 5162 - Cryogenics (3) 

Prerequisites: EML 3100, 3140, 3701; PHY 3101

Fundamental aspects of cryogenics system and engineering properties of materials and fluids at low temperatures. Cryogenic heat transfer and fluid dynamics, low temperature refrigeration and system engineering.

EML 5311 - Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3)

Prerequisite: MAP 3306

Mathematical modeling of continuous physical systems. Frequency and time domain analysis and design of control systems. State variable representations of physical systems.

EML 5317 - Advanced Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3)

Design of advanced control systems (using time and frequency domains) will be emphasized. Implementation of control systems using continuous (operational amplifier) or digital (microprocessor) techniques will be addressed and practiced.

EML 5361 - Multivariable Control (3)

Prerequisite: EML 4312 or 5311

Course covers H2 and H control design for linear systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs and globally optimal techniques, fixed-structure (e.g., reduced-order) techniques. Includes introductory concepts in robust control.

EML 5422 - Fundamentals of Propulsion Systems (3) 

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering

This course offers an analysis of the performance of propulsion systems using fundamental principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Systems studied include turbojet, turbofan, ramjet engines, as well as piston-type internal combustion engines.

EML 5451 - Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability (3)

Prerequisites: Requires graduate standing

This course discusses the challenge of making the global energy system independent of finite fossil-energy sources and, instead, dependent on environmentally sustainable energy sources. The course emphasizes strategies for producing energy that is free of greenhouse-gas emissions, including renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass. The course focuses on direct energy conversion and covers topics such as photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, and thermoelectric systems.

EML 5453 - Sustainable Power Generation (3) 

Prerequisites: EML 4450 and 5451 or graduate student standing in engineering or sciences

This course is a continuation of sustainability energy-conversion systems and focuses on solar electricity, biopower, biofuels, and hydrogen. The course also discusses the practicality of hydrogen-based transportation.

EML 5537 - Design Using FEM (3) 

The Finite Element Method - what it is, elementary FEM theory, structures and elements, trusses, beams, and frames, two-dimensional solids, three-dimensional solids, axisymmetric solids, thin-walled structures, static and dynamic problems, available hardware and software, basic steps in FEM analysis, pre/post processing, interpretation of results, advanced modeling techniques, design optimization, advanced materials using FEM.

EML 5543 - Materials Selection in Design (3) 

Prerequisite: EML 3234 or equivalent

The application of materials predicated on material science and engineering case studies covering most engineering applications.

EML 5709 - Fluid Mechanic Principles with Selected Applications (3) 

Prerequisites: EGM 5611; EML 5060; graduate standing in mechanical engineering

Introductory concepts, description, and kinematical concepts of fluid motion, basic field equations, thermodynamics of fluid flow, Navier-Stokes equations, elements of the effects of friction and heat flow, unsteady one-dimensional motion, selected nonlinear steady flows.

EML 5710 - Introduction to Gas Dynamics (3)

Prerequisites: EML 3101, 3701

Concentrates on the unique features of compressibility in fluid mechanics. It provides the student with knowledge and understanding of the basic fundamentals of compressible fluid flow and is basic to studies in high-speed aerodynamics, propulsion, and turbomachinery.

EML 5725 - Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3)

Prerequisites: EGN 5456; EML 5709

Topics for this course include introduction to conservation laws in fluid dynamics; weak solutions; solving the full potential equations for subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flows; solving system of equations. In particular, upwind schemes and flux splitting will be introduced in solving the Euler equations. Coordinate transformation and grid generation methods will also be covered.

EML 5802 - Introduction to Robotics (3) 

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering

A study of the fundamentals of robot operation and application including: basic elements, robot actuators and servo-control, sensors, senses, vision, voice, microprocessor system design and computers, kinematic equations, and motion trajectories.

EML 5831 - Introduction to Mobile Robotics (3)

 Prerequisite: Graduate standing

This course examines analytical dynamic modeling and dynamic simulation of mobile robots, mobile robot sensors, basic computer vision methods, Kalman filtering and mobile robot localization, basic mapping concepts, path planning and obstacle avoidance, and intelligent-control architectures.

EML 5905r - Directed Individual Study (1–6)

(S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours.

EML 5910r - Supervised Research (1–5) 

(S/U grade only.) A maximum of three (3) semester hours may apply to the master's degree. May be repeated to a maximum of five (5) semester hours.

EML 5930r - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1–6) 

Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours.

EML 5930 - Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 - Advanced Materials (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 - Analysis in Mechanical Engineering II (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 - Experimental Methods in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 - Magnet Design (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 – Magnet Technology (3) 

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 – Robotics and Locomotion (3) 

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5930 – Vehicle Design (3) 

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.

EML 5935r - Mechanical Engineering Seminars (0) 

(S/U grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of ten (10) times.

EML 5946r - Professional Internship Experience in Mechanical Engineering (4) 

This course provides practical experience through working as an intern at selected industry or research laboratories supervised by the on-the-job mentors and by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The course is designed to provide the student with professional internship experience in preparation for his/her future career development.

EML 5971r - Thesis (3–6) 

(S/U grade only.) A minimum of six (6) semester hours is required.

EML 6980r - Dissertation (1–12) 

(S/U grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of forty-eight (48) semester hours.

EML 8968 - Preliminary Doctoral Examination (0)

(P/F grade only.)

EML 8976r - Master's Thesis Defense (0)

(P/F grade only.)

EML 8985r - Dissertation Defense (0)

(P/F grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of three (3) times.