National Academy of Engineering

  • David Larbalestier

National Academy of Inventors

  • David Larbalestier


Fellows of Professional Organizations

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

  • David Larbalestier


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • Farrukh Alvi
  • Louis N. Cattafesta
  • Ching Jen Chen
  • Emmanuel G. Collins
  • Anjaneyulu Krothapalli
  • William S. Oates
  • Chiang Shih
  • Steven W. Van Sciver



American Ceramic Society

  • Peter Gielisse


Cryogenic Society of America

  • Steven Van Sciver

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

  • David Larbalestier



American Physical Society

  • Louis N. Cattafesta
  • David Larbalestier


Institute of Physics

  • David Larbalestier

Materials Research Society

  • David Larbalestier

Other International and National Awards

Black Engineer of the Year Award for College-Level Promotion of Education

  • Emmanuel Collins


Honorary Superior Accomplishment Award from NASA Langley Research Center

  • Emmanuel Collins


Samuel C. Collins Award

  • Steven Van Sciver



Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship

  • Peter Kalu


IEEE Council on Superconductivity: Superconductivity Materials Career Award

  • David Larbalestier



Fullbright Scholarship.

  • Peter Kalu


Mendelssohn Award

  • Steven Van Sciver

Early Career Awards

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Award

  • Kunihiko Taira


National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award

  • Jonathan Clark
  • William S. Oates


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Gary Anderson Early Achievement Award

  • William S. Oates


Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award

  • Kunihiko Taira
  • Chengying 'Cheryl' Xu


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award

  • William S. Oates


Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Richard L. Kegg Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineering Award

  • Chengying 'Cheryl' Xu


  • Farrukh Alvi, Don Fuqua Eminent Scholar
  • Louis N. Cattafesta, University Eminent Scholar
  • Emmanuel G. Collins, John H. Seely Professor
  • Peter N. Kalu, 3M Distinguished Research Professor
  • David Larbalestier, Francis Eppes Professor
  • William S. Oates, Cummins Professor
  • Steven W. Van Sciver, John H. Gorrie Professor