ME PhD Professional Development Requirement
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- ME PhD Professional Development Requirement
Supervised Teaching Experience
Each doctoral student must demonstrate a minimum proficiency in teaching. To meet this requirement, the student must prepare and present a minimum of three lectures in a course supervised by a tenure-tracked faculty member. Also, the student must register for and attend the Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) Conference prior to his/her teaching experience. Non-native English speakers are also required to take and pass the SPEAK test. Students must score 50 or above on the SPEAK or at least 26 on the speaking portion of the IBTOEFL.
Each student will receive a written evaluation of his/her teaching performance based on feedback from the students in the class and the supervising faculty member’s observations. The supervising faculty member will discuss the results with the student. A copy of the evaluation must be submitted to the Department as part of the annual doctoral student evaluation (Supervised Teaching Evaluation Form)
If for any reason the student is unable to carry out the formal teaching requirement, he/she may propose an alternative teaching experience and petition the Graduate Committee for approval.
Annual Poster Presentation
As part of the Graduate Seminar, each doctoral student will annually prepare a poster and present an overview of his/her work including a current status report.
Graduate Seminar Presentation
Prior to graduation, each doctoral student must give a formal presentation of his/her dissertation topic during the Graduate Seminar.
Research Ethics
Doctoral students are required to complete the online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course. The completion of this courses satisfies the National Science Foundation's Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training requirement. A copy of the completion certificate must be submitted to the Department.
Additional Resources
- FAMU Professional Development Workshop Series: Each academic year, the School of Graduate Studies and Research conducts a series of professional development workshops. These free workshops, led by FAMU faculty and administrators, are designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
- FSU Professional Development Workshop Series: Each academic year, the Graduate School conducts a series of professional development workshops. These free workshops, led by FSU faculty and administrators, are designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
- The Preparing Future Faculty Program assists FSU doctoral students (and others headed toward academic careers) prepare for future faculty work. Through participation in coursework, workshops, and mentoring, PFF Fellows increase their awareness of expectations for faculty performance and of resources available to aid in scholarly careers, and build their readiness to address research, teaching and related demands of faculty life. Goals include enhancing the placement of FSU students in university positions and supporting the finest scholarly accomplishments of FSU's graduates in their future careers.