Teaching Labs

In keeping with the major restructuring of our undergraduate curriculum, which emphasizes the connectivity between the various technical areas as well between theory and practice, the instructional laboratories play an increasingly vital role in our curriculum. The department maintains twelve instructional laboratories and related facilities, which can be divided into the following major categories:

Thermal Sciences Laboratories

This consists of three laboratories, in which fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer experiments are carried out.

Solid Mechanics and Materials Laboratories

There are four closely integrated laboratories for materials testing, heat treatment and materials characterization.

Dynamics and Controls Laboratory

This consists of three laboratories for dynamics, robotics and controls experiments.

Design Lab

To further assist the students in concentrating on the senior project work, a special and separate space has been devoted to the capstone design courses, EML4551C and EML4552C. This "design studio" is a large room where teams can hold project meetings, brainstorm design ideas, store equipment, or do light assembly and testing (otherwise machine shops and laboratories are also made available to the teams). This design studio is not only a "safe zone", it is also a "team zone". In its first year of operation, this design studio is proving a useful addition for effective delivery of the capstone design experience.