Engineer at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory leads $1.5M study by US Department of Energy to develop better superconductors

A grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will further research that will help make the next generation of high-energy particle accelerators.

The U.S. Department of Energy awarded scientists at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory $1.5 million to develop more efficient, robust superconductors that could lead to powerful particle accelerators and new discoveries about the universe.

Mechanical Engineering professor Dr. William Oates appointed 2018 Cummins Inc. Professor in Engineering

The Cummins Inc. Professor in Engineering endowment, appointed through the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering since 2016, was recently awarded to Dr. William Oates, professor in Mechanical Engineering and the Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy (AME) center. The endowment is funded through engine-manufacturer and energy powerhouse Cummins Inc., operating in more than 190 countries worldwide.