FAMU-FSU Professor will Study Superfluid Helium with $1.25M Grant from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

When the temperature of matter approaches absolute zero, a different type of physics takes over. Instead of classical physics — the physics you learned about in high school — quantum physics governs its behavior.

For example, helium is typically a gas, but when an isotope of helium is cooled to very low temperatures, it becomes a quantum liquid called superfluid helium. Quantum liquids behave in unusual ways, appearing to climb up a gradient or forming thin vortex tubes around which the superfluid flows without friction.

American Airlines Info Session

Information Session by American Airlines. Pizza will be served courtesy of American Airlines.

Meet with students from the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Alpha-Pi-Mu honor society, etc.

For Mikayla Schuller, It's All a Matter of Balance

Mikayla Schuller returned to Tallahassee this fall after a better-than-usual summer between semesters.

Schuller, one of only a few Feature Twirlers at Florida State University, took fourth place in the junior women’s short program and freestyle category in the World Baton Twirling Federation World Championship (WBTF). The sophomore mechanical engineering student at Florida State University and the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering takes the success—and the work—in stride.