Department Graduate Director (ME)
Phone Numbers
MagLab, Room A244
Educational History
Ph.D. Physics, Brown University, 2008
M.S. Physics, Brown University, 2004
B.S. Physics, Wuhan University, 2002
Research Interests
Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4
Cryogenic helium based high Reynolds number flow research
Cryogenic heat and mass transfer phenomenon involved in particle accelerator systems.
Helium-Based Dark Matter Detector Research and Development
Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
American Physical Society Fellow (2023)
Outstanding Research Accomplishment Award from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (2023)
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigators Award (2022)
JSPS Invitation Fellowships for Research in Japan (2017)