Seminar: Sang Soo Kim, Ph.D.
“Thermally Induced Internal Cracking in Asphalt Mixtures – Validation with Indirect Tensile (IDT) Test”
CEE Seminar by Sang Soo Kim, Ph.D., founder of EZ Asphalt Technology and creator of Asphalt Binder Cracking Device
CEE Seminar by Sang Soo Kim, Ph.D., founder of EZ Asphalt Technology and creator of Asphalt Binder Cracking Device
A study published in Smart Cities details the new approach, which aims to streamline a traditionally labor-intensive process.
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, an assistant professor and researcher at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering’s Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response Center, or RIDER, is shedding new light on the indirect effects of flood damage on residential buildings and human health.
It’s fall, and our engineering student organizations and interest groups are back in full swing. Here’s a (not comprehensive) list of the upcoming meetings. As always, all organizations are open to all engineering students regardless of university affiliation. Check the Student Organization page for websites and contact information.
Graduate engineering students and faculty advisors are invited to a presentation given by William Jenks of ORNL’s Office of Research Education to learn about opportunities and mechanisms by which graduate students can come to the ORNL campus for extended periods to carry out dissertation-related research in areas of mutual interest to their major professor and ORNL scientists. These include both DOE-funded and ORNL/university-funded options. Both faculty and interested graduate students are encouraged to attend.