After the storm…FAMU-FSU Engineering researchers study long-term shelter needs of hurricane victims

Hurricane Michael came roaring into the Florida panhandle in October, 2018 as the strongest hurricane to land in the continental United States in the last two decades. Devastating homes, businesses and agriculture, the category four hurricane left a path of destruction from Georgia to Virginia. Mexico Beach, a small coastal town in Florida and many towns along the way looked like war zones. 

FAMU FSU Engineering students infuse engineering learning into local Habitat for Humanity project

Students from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering will be volunteering to help build a house this Saturday, November 17th for Habitat for HumanityYassir AbdelRazig, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the college has invited his students from his Construction Engineering class to get real world construction experience. 

Testing the water after graduation, Engineering alumni excels

Charlie L. Martin is a husband, father and civil engineer in the Florida Panhandle city of Graceville. In 2015, Martin walked across the stage of Florida A&M University’s Al Lawson Center to receive his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. The alum has focused his career in the municipal water and wastewater utility field and has been active since 1992. 

FAMU-FSU Engineering student honored with ASAP Doctoral Fellow Award

In recognition of academic excellence, Olumide Abioye was awarded a Doctoral Fellow award from the Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging population (ASAP). The award is an honorary designation to recognize students who have made significant contribution to research and service in the area of aging in transportation. The FAMU-FSU Engineering doctoral student is studying civil engineering and specializes in transportation research.

Research opportunities ignite interest and success for engineering undergraduates

“Typically, when we talk about research we think about graduate students, but that is changing,” says Sastry Pamidi, a professor and chair of electrical and computer engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Pamidi wants students to know about the undergraduate research opportunities available at the college, which is located close to several affiliated world-renowned research centers. 

Engineering professors win FSU GAP awards help faculty commercialize inventions

Three teams led by Florida State University faculty members--including two at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering--have received funding from the university to propel their pioneering research from the lab to the marketplace.

The researchers have been awarded a combined pot of $110,000 following their successful pitches at the university’s biannual GAP competition, an event organized by the Office of the Vice President for Research where faculty members present their ideas to a committee of businesspeople.

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering making strides

Story originally appeared in the FAMUan on 2/6/19

For the FSU-FAMU College of Engineering, research and diversity are the most significant factors in the school’s rising national ranking.

According to Murray Gibson, dean of the shared college, they have increased their rankings by about 19 points in the last two years. He says it’s all due to their messaging and their research funding.