Meet Goostavo: The Story Behind The Goose

At the end of 2020, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering announced a college-wide mascot contest open to all FAMU-FSU Engineering students to represent the spirit and pride of our unique college. Submissions were collected until the end of Engineers Week in February 2021. An appointed Mascot Committee comprised of faculty and staff from FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, along with representatives from both Florida State University and Florida A&M University Communications, selected the top entries from the submission pool. The top entries moved on to the college's Administrative Council to determine the winning design that would be selected as the primary inspiration for our new mascot. The winning design, created by Nehemiah Fields (class of 2021), was then transformed into an athletic-style logo by Marc Thomas (Assistant Director of Creative ServicesFSU Communications) to create the official mascot design.

During Engineers Week (E-Week) 2022, the college hosted several events to launch the official mascot. The mascot name—Goostavo—was suggested by current engineering students and then won the popular vote out of the most suggested names. The Goose Gaggle commemorated the mascot release to the students, and the Wild Goose Chase followed the next day to celebrate with our entire College of Engineering community.

The goose is a favorite character among students, faculty and staff alike, and many of us have memories of our notorious “goose- episodes” on our campus. The FAMU-FSU Engineering “Geese” speaks to the fierceness, dedication and community that defines the our college! All Rattlers and Noles can now be called “Geese” as well. After 40 years we finally have our own identity.

Welcome to the gaggle!




Historic Events

The teaser videos below were featured on our Instagram stories as part of the official mascot launch!





Name Our Mascot!

Students could join the naming contest throughout E-Week 2022 to pick a name for our new mascot. The last day to vote on a name was Thursday, February 24, 2022.

Goose Gaggle

Friday, February 25, 2022 | 5:00 p.m. | COE Atrium

At the first annual Goose Gaggle, we unveiled our college identity and flocked together at this party of sorts! We took naming suggestions for our new mascot throughout the week, and now is the time to reveal their name!

The Goose Scavenger Hunt (hosted by SELB) was held earlier in the day to win prizes.

Inaugural Wild Goose Chase

Saturday, February 26, 2022 | 9:00 a.m. | COE Main Entrance (facing golf course, near bus loop)

It’s a walk, it’s a waddle, it’s a run and it’s FUN! The engineering community joined us for some fun with friends & family on the E-School campus. Participants were encouraged to design their WILDEST outfit and run or walk this ~1-mile event to support the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. We awarded prizes for the quickest, but also the funniest competitors, including: 

  • Wildest outfit (remember, it’s a family/community event!)
  • Fastest time
  • Best group (3+) theme/costume
  • Best couples theme/costume

The first 100 registrants got a race tee onsite, and there was be food and drinks at the end for everyone. Registration was required to reserve a spot in the gaggle. This event will return next year! 

The race was held in collaboration with NSBE's Walk for Education, which included an open-house-style STEM fair outside the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering building to encourage kids to get involved in engineering.