FAMU Engineering Living Learning Community


WHAT: The FAMU Engineering Living Learning Community (LLC) is designed to strengthen students first year of college, while fostering a sense of community. Engineering LLC participants learn skills necessary to become effective engineering students. This program will provide the scholars with a solid foundation for the successful completion of an engineering degree.


WHO: The Engineering Living Learning Community is for FAMU students who have an interest in pursuing careers in Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering.


BENEFITS: Best practice has shown that placing like-minded students together will increase student retention. Past students participating in the Engineering LLC and/or ECI on average have a higher success rate than engineering freshman not participating.

In total, FAMU Engineering LLC scholars participate in:

  • Study groups
  • Block course scheduling
  • Research lab and company visits
  • Professional development workshops
  • Social activities
  • Networking opportunities with College of Engineering students, staff, faculty, and alumni.


How To Apply

Deadline: May 1

  1. Visit FAMU Housing and fill out a Housing Application.
    • Make sure to check the Engineering LLC box
    • Please note: You can only be a part of one LLC
  2. Submit a one-page essay stating, “Why you are interested in an engineering degree and your plans once you earn your engineering degree?”

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I know that I am accepted into the Engineering LLC?
Please note space is limited, so students will be selected on a first-come-first-served monthly basis until all spaces are full.

What if I have questions after reading the website about the Engineering LLC at FAMU?
If you have questions, please wait for the monthly (January, February, March and April) video conference. All FAMU engineering students that have paid seat deposit will be sent an email inviting you to participate each month. Parents and/or students can ask any and all questions about the program during that time. Since most of the questions are the same, we ask that you participate in one of the video chats.

Still have more questions? Contact Delbert Sutton delbert1.sutton@famu.edu