The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is proud to offer graduate and doctoral programs in Materials science and Engineering.

Candidates for the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy programs in Materials Science and Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering must first meet the general graduate admission requirements of either FAMU or FSU.

Program Requirements

To graduate, students must:

  • Pass a minimum of 30 credits of which a minimum of 24 credits must be letter graded and a minimum of 6 credits must be in M.S. research.
  • Pass all of the required letter-graded coursework with a minimum 3.0 GPA. In addition to meeting the university requirement to maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or above, MS&E students need to achieve a grade of "B" or better in each core course. Students not achieving a "B" must either retake the course or take another core course in a different topic area that will be selected by MS&E in consultation with the instructor of the core course in which the student did not achieve at least a "B."
  • Write a thesis, which must be an original work and will serve in part to demonstrate the student’s ability to carry out research. On completion, the thesis will be defended orally in front of the student’s research committee.
  • Take the Interdisciplinary Seminar Series (0 credits) the entire time they are in MS&E. The letter-graded credits are described below.


Students entering the program with a B.S. degree (or equivalent) will be required to a take a minimum of 30 credits including at least 24 credits of letter-graded courses and at least 6 credits of thesis research for the M.S. thesis option or at least 27 credits of letter-graded courses and may take 3 credits of non-letter-graded courses for the M.S. thesis option. All M.S. students will also take the Interdisciplinary Seminar Series (0 credits) the entire time they are in MS&E. The letter-graded credits are described below.


24 credits (minimum) of letter-graded courses
Four core courses (minimum 12 credits)
Three (3) Fundamental Core Courses
  • Chemical Materials (ECH 5934)
  • Thermodynamics for Materials Science (EML 5107)
  • Materials Characterization (PHZ 5475 – FSU)
  • Solid state science for materials scientists/engineers
One (1) Elective Core Courses selected from those listed below
  • Materials by Design (EIN 5930)
  • Composite Materials Engineering (EMA 5182)
  • Electron Microscopy (EMA 5514)
  • Applied Superconductivity (EML 5072)
  • Microstructure of Materials (EML 5930)
  • Experimental Methods of Materials Analysis (EML 5934)
Four (4) Elective Specialization Courses (minimum 12 credits – see list of acceptable courses)
6 credits (minimum) of M.S. thesis research