Driscoll, T. P., *Bidone, T. C., Ahn, S. J., Yu, A., Groisman, A., Voth, G. A., & Schwartz, M. A. (2021). Integrin-Based Mechanosensing is Mediated by Conformational Deformation. Biophysical Journal, 8.
Ziki, M. A., Bhat, N., Neogi, A., Abboud, J., Chouairi, S., Driscoll, T. P., Ugwu, N., Liu, Y., Smith, E., Schwartz, M., Akar, J., & Mani, A. (2021). Epistatic interaction of PDE4DIP and DES mutations in familial atrial fibrillation with slow conduction. Human Mutation, 15.
Cosgrove, B. D., Loebel, C., Driscoll, T. P., Tsinman, T., Dai, E. N., Heo, Su-Jin, Dyment, N., Burdick, J. A., & Mauck, R. L. (2021). Nuclear envelope wrinkling predicts mesenchymal progenitor cell mechano-response in 2D and 3D microenvironments. Biomaterials, 270, 10.
Driscoll, T. P., Ahn, S. J., Huang, B., Kumar, A., & Schwartz, M. (2020). Actin Flow-Dependent and -Independent Force Transmission Through Talin. PNAS, 117(51), 10.
Heo, Su-Jin, Song, K. H., Thakur, S., Miller, L. M., Cao, X., Peredo, A. P., Seiber, B. N., Qu, Feini, Driscoll, T. P., Shenoy, V. B., Lakadamyali, M., Burdick, J. A., & Mauck, R. L. (2020). Nuclear softening expedites interstitial cell migration in fibrous networks and dense connective tissues. Science Advances, 6(25), eaax5083.
Bidone, T. C., Polley, A., Driscoll, T. P., Iwamoto, D. V., Calderwood, D. A., Schwartz, M. A., & Voth, G. A. (2019). Coarse-Grained Simulation of Full-Length Integrin Activation. Biophysical Journal, 6(19), 1000-1010.
Moro A*, Driscoll, T. P.*, Boraas LC, Armero W, Kasper DM, Baeyens N, Jouy C, Mallikarjun V, Swift J, Ahn SJ, Lee D, Zhang J, Gu M, Gerstein M, Schwartz MA, Nicoli S. microRNA-Dependent Regulation of Biomechanical Genes Establishes Tissue Stiffness Homeostasis. Nature Cell Biology, 2019 Mar; (*Co-first authors).
Szczesny SE*, Driscoll, T. P.*, Tseng HY, Liu PC, Heo SJ, Mauck RL, Chao, PG. Engineered Crimped Nanofibrous Biomaterials Mimic Microstructure and Mechanics of Native Tissue and Alter Strain Transfer to Cells. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2016, Dec; (*Co-first authors).
Heo, Su-Jin, Driscoll, T. P., Nerurkar, N. L., Baker, B. M., Chen, C. C., Lee, D. A., & Mauck, R. L. (2016). Differentiation alters stem cell nuclear architecture, mechanics, and mechano-sensitivity. eLife, 5, e18207.
Han, W. M., Heo, Su-Jin, Driscoll, T. P., Delucca, J. F., McLeod, C. M., Smith, L. J., Duncan, R. L., Mauck, R. L., & Elliott, D. M. (2016). Microstructural heterogeneity directs micromechanics and mechanobiology in native and engineered fibrocartilage. Nature Materials, 15(4), 477-484.
Cosgrove, B. D., Mui, K. L., Driscoll, T. P., Caliari, S. R., Mehta, K. D., Assoian, R. K., Burdick, J. A., & Mauck, R. L. (2016). N-cadherin adhesive interactions modulate matrix mechanosensing and fate commitment of mesenchymal stem cells. Nature Materials, 15, 1297-1306.
Cau, X., Yuan, L., Driscoll, T. P., Franco-Barraza, J., Cukierman, E., Mauck, R. L., & Shenoy, V. K. (2015). A Chemomechanical Model of Matrix and Nuclear Rigidity Regulation of Focal Adhesion Size. Biophysical Journal, 109(9), 1807-1817.
Heo, Su-Jin, Thorpe, S. D., Driscoll, T. P., Duncan, R. L., Lee, D. A., & Mauck, R. L. (2015). Biophysical Regulation of Chromatin Architecture Instills a Mechanical Memory in Mesencymal Stem Cells. Scientific Reports, 5, 16895.
Driscoll, T. P., Cosgrove BD, Heo SJ, Mauck RL. Cytoskeletal Strain Transfer Regulates YAP Signaling in Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Biophysical Journal, 2015 Jun; 108:1-11.
Han, W. M., Heo, Su-Jin, Driscoll, T. P., Boggs, M. E., Duncan, R. L., Mauck, R. L., & Elliott, D. M. (2014). Impact of cellular microenvironment and mechanical perturbation on calcium signaling in meniscus fibrochondrocytes. European Cells and Materials, 27, 321-331.
Driscoll, T. P., Nakasone RH, Szczesny SE, Elliott DM, Mauck RL. Biaxial mechanics and inter-lamellar shearing of stem-cell seeded electrospun angle-ply laminates for annulus fibrosus tissue engineering. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2013 Jun; 31(6):864-70.
Han, W. M., Heo, Su-Jin, Driscoll, T. P., Smith, L. J., Mauck, R. L., & Elliott, D. M. (2013). Macro-to microscale strain transfer in fibrous tissues is heterogeneous and tissue-specific. Biophysical Journal, 105(3), 807-17.
Driscoll, T. P., Nerurkar NL, Jacobs NT, Elliott DM, Mauck RL. Fiber angle and aspect ratio influence the shear mechanics of oriented electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2011 Nov; 4(8):1627-36.