David Blanding

Submitted by jdadams on Tue, 10/19/2021 - 11:06 AM
David Blanding


Belton SC

David Blanding is a retired aerospace engineer with 42 years of research and development experience at the Boeing Company. Most recently, he was a consulting engineer to Boeing Research & Technology in Huntington Beach, CA. During his career, he worked on aircraft platforms B-1A/B-1B Bomber, Space Shuttle, Apache Helicopter, National Aerospace Plane, AC-130 Gunship, C-17 Cargo, and Boeing 787. Mr. Blanding holds ten (10) patents in electric actuation and control and thermal management, with two pending. In 2012, he was given the Life Time Achievement Award by the National Society of Black Engineers; in 2006 they renamed him Black Engineer of the Year – Outstanding Technical Contribution in Industry by the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Council of Engineering Deans. In 2002, he was a Boeing Technical Fellow. Mr. Blanding supported Boeing’s university relations and STEM activities during his career and still has a passion for these projects in his retirement. He holds a bachelor’s in engineering technology from Florida A&M University and a master’s in technology management from the University of Phoenix.