Dear engineering FAMU students, 

As you probably know, we announced that our class schedules for Fall would be completed by today, particularly the course delivery methods.  Course information has been updated in iRattler.

Below is a brief explanation of how to interpret whether your FAMU-FSU Engineering classes will be delivered remotely or in-person.  If the Room indicates “Remote Internet”, then the class will be delivered remotely.  Otherwise, the class will be in-person.  Below are visual instructions to help.


A few additional items to note about course delivery:

  • Some classes will have a mix of remote and in-person instruction.  For example, for some lecture+lab courses, the lecture component will be delivered remotely, while the lab will be in-person.
  • Most in-person classes will be delivered fully in-person, but a few will be delivered using a half-and-half approach.  This means half the students will participate in-person on one day, while the other half participate remotely; on the next meeting day, the students will switch.  This delivery approach may be used for our largest classes, to reduce the number of students who gather at a time, but still give the benefit of in-person instruction and interaction with peers and instructor.  Your instructor will provide more details when we get closer to the first day of classes.
  • For remote classes, all are assumed to be synchronous, and students are expected to participate at the day/time noted in the course schedule.  However, in some cases, the instructor may choose to deliver material asynchronously.
  • The delivery method for in-person courses is subject to change in response to state, local, and CDC guidelines.
  • The delivery method for classes coded as “Remote” will not change to in-person later on, regardless of whether guidelines or conditions change.
  • After Thanksgiving holiday, all remote and in-person courses (including course content delivery, exams, etc.) will be remote for the remainder of the semester. 


I plan to send more details in the coming days of our Fall plans.  If you have any questions, please email