All first-year engineering students (first year in college or first-year transfer students) are initially coded as pre-engineering students until they satisfy the following pre-engineering requirements:

  1. An overall GPA of 2.0 or better
  2. Achieve a grade of ‘C-’ or better, from any institution attended, in First-Year Engineering Laboratory (FYEL), Calculus I, Calculus II, and General Physics I. For intended chemical or biomedical engineering majors, General Physics I is replaced with General Chemistry I for the purpose of declaring the major.
  3. A single repeated attempt in only one of the four courses listed above is allowed. Grades of W are not considered as a repeated attempt.
  4. Students who meet the following conditions may be eligible to receive an exemption from the First-Year Engineering Laboratory (FYEL) course: (1) students who are seeking a second bachelor’s degree; (2) students who have transfer credit for a similar course taken at a higher education institution; (3) student veterans who have received an honorable discharge from the U.S. military; or (4) students who transfer into the college having already received credit for all other pre-engineering courses listed above. Please note that First Time in College (FTIC) students cannot use (4) to be exempt from First-Year Lab. Students who are eligible for an FYEL exemption must declare their intended engineering major during their first semester at the college or they lose their eligibility for the exemption. Students should contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs if they feel they qualify for the exemption. Any student who transfers out of pre-engineering before completing the FYEL course and then desires to transfer back to engineering must complete the course or its equivalent.
  5. Any student who needs two repeated attempts to complete the four courses may be considered for continuation in engineering if additional grade and coursework requirements are satisfied. Contact the Student Services office at the College of Engineering for details.
  6. Any student who needs three or more repeated attempts to complete the four courses listed above does not satisfy this requirement and will not be allowed to continue in the engineering program. There are NO exceptions to this requirement.
  7. Complete the FYEL by the end of the third semester (excluding summers) and achieve conditions (1) and (2) by the end of the Spring semester of their sophomore year.

Once a pre-engineering student satisfies all pre-engineering requirements, he/she may visit the Student Services office, B111, to initiate the transfer process to his/her intended engineering major prior to the beginning of the following semester.