Don’t miss out on the virtual 2020 International Cryocooler Conference! Registration is still open until December 10


The International Cryocooler Conference, led by FAMU-FSU Engineering electrical and computer engineering professor and chair, Sastry Pamidi is a virtual event that started on December 7, 2020. However, registration for the event is still open until December 10. The conference focuses on the latest developments in cryocoolers technology. 

More than 150 representatives from 15 countries are attending. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the European Space Agency (NASA) will be there as well as many other space-related technology companies.

Each day is about three hours in length and consists of a social hour,  plenary talk about the day’s theme, followed by a panel discussion describing the submitted papers associated with the topic. 

  • December 7-Aerospace Applications and Stirling and PT Cooler Devel.
  • December 8-Brayton, J-T, and Low-Temperature Cooler Devel.
  • December 9-PT and Stirling Cooler Components and Modeling.
  • December 10-Commercial and Lab Cooler Applications and Integration Technology.

The presentation slides and videos are available on the conference webpage. You may visit the official website of the conference for further information. Registration is open!