• Grant amount: Successful applicants are eligible for up to $5,000 in summer salary/course support and the opportunity to apply for additional funds. Successful applicants will have to co-participate in the curriculum development process with members of the FSU GSP Curriculum Development Team.  

  • Eligibility: FAMU and FSU faculty who plan to teach the proposed course/integrate it into a program of study are eligible to apply 

  • Due Date: Applications are due by February 28  

  • How can I apply? Applicants should submit their application via this form (https://forms.office.com/r/GqJmnzEynj).



Application Requirements 

Proposals must be single-spaced, with 12-point font.  

Proposal Narrative: Maximum 1000 words. Include the following sections with section headers:  

  • Purpose: Describe why you want to incorporate GSP Learning Outcomes into this new/updated course and which GSP Learning Outcomes you plan to bring into the course (GSP Learning Outcomes are detailed below).  

  • Course Data: Does/will this course help students to accomplish their general education requirements? Which ones? How many students will/have take(n) this course each semester, which department will it be in, what is the anticipated course number, what is the anticipated output and effort a student is expected to put into the successful completion of this course? Is there a typical student who takes this course? How do you plan on marketing this course to multiple majors? Is there anything unique or interesting about this course?  

  • Research, Service, Engaged Learning, and Advocacy Activities: Describe how you will implement GSP Learning Outcomes into the course and curriculum. Unless this is a new course, indicate how these activities differ from those in past course offerings, and why you chose to make these changes. Please use the GSP  


Course Syllabus  

1. If this course has been taught before, please write 200 words about how you plan on updating and changing the course syllabus. Then, please provide the current syllabus for the course.  

2. If the course is new, please provide an outline of the anticipated course syllabus.  


Required Texts 

1. Are there any required texts for your course? Do you know if they are available online and/or can students reserve them at the library? Please list any required texts here.  

Curriculum Development Support – less than 300 words  

1. What will be particularly helpful for you regarding curriculum development support?  


Gulf Research Program Learning Outcomes for all Gulf Scholars Programs  

The GSP specifies key learning outcomes necessary for students to address these challenges, provides funding for participating schools, and supports the development of a region-wide network of GSP schools and students committed to the GRP’s vision of a safer, more resilient and sustainable Gulf region. The GSP learning outcomes are: 

1.  Knowledge of the Gulf Region: Knowledge of the region's human cultures and physical and natural worlds. 

2.  Multidisciplinary and integrative learning.  Ability to connect knowledge from multiple disciplines, over time, built across college, community and life experiences. 

3.  Intercultural knowledge and competencies. Skills and characteristics that support effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts.  

4.  Social responsibility and ethical reasoning. In promoting the quality of civic life, equity, and sustainability of Gulf communities. 

5.  Innovation and entrepreneurialism. Ability to develop and implement innovative solutions and responses to major Gulf challenges. 

6.  Gulf Impact Project. A mentored research/creative project focused on one or more of the core areas of the GRP.