Lee Hall

FAMU Student Employment

The College of Engineering has developed this process to reinforce important information on policies related to confidentiality, sexual harassment and non-discrimination. This will be in addition to any other documentation or training required by Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU).

As part of your “Student Employment”, kindly ensure that you have viewed the following materials:
Please review and sign the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering form on:
FAMU-Additional Training Resources: Information on trainings offered by FAMU is available at: WWW.famu.edu/administration/division-of-finance-and-administration/human-resources/organizational-development-and-training.php.

Feel free to contact the Office of Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs at studentsupport@eng.famu.fsu.edu, if you have any questions or need additional information.



Westcott Building

FSU Student Employment

The College of Engineering has developed this process to reinforce important information on policies related to confidentiality, sexual harassment and non-discrimination. This will be in addition to any other documentation or training required by Florida State University (FSU).

As part your “Student Employment”, kindly ensure that you have viewed the following materials:
  • *Equal Opportunity & Compliance
  • *Sexual Misconduct
  • * Power-point presentations are available at the “New Employee Orientation” section of FSU HR website by clicking on “OPS” at the web-link: (https://hr.fsu.edu/working-fsu/new-employees).
Please review and sign the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering form on:
FSU-Additional Training Resources are available at https://www.hr.fsu.edu/sections/training-organizational-development.

Other Useful Resources

Feel free to contact the Office of Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs at studentsupport@eng.famu.fsu.edu, if you have any questions or need additional information.