Current Research Projects
- Superconducting Power Cables Cooled with Cryogenic Gaseous Helium Circulation
- Advanced AC Loss Measurements on Superconducting Materials and Systems
- Development of Superconducting Devices in Collaboration with the Industry
- Development of Novel Electrical Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation
Dr. Sastry V. Pamidi has been working on superconducting materials and devices since 1986. Sastry has been a researcher at Florida State University Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) since its inception in 2001. He leads a multidisciplinary research group at CAPS on superconducting power devices and related applied cryogenics. Before joining CAPS, Sastry worked with National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee; Applied Superconductivity Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison; University of Aberdeen, Scotland; and Bhabha Research Center, Bombay, India.
Sastry collaborates with many research groups and supports the Industry and several small businesses developing superconducting device components. He has published 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Sastry serves the applied superconductivity community by engaging in the editorial committees, review panels, and organizing professional development courses.
Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers – Senior Member
Project Management Institute - Project Management Professional (PMP)
Jozef Kvitkovic, Sastry V. Pamidi, Lukas Graber, Tim Chiocchio, Michael Steurer, and Alexander Usoskin, "AC Loss and Magnetic Shielding Measurements on 2GHTS Inductive Fault Current Limiter Prototype Modules," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24 (2014) 5600604.
Venkata Pothavajhala, Lukas Graber, Chul H. Kim, and Sastry V. Pamidi, "Experimental and model based studies on current distribution in superconducting DC cables," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24 (2014) 4800505.
Min Zhang, J. Kvitkovic, C. H. Kim, S. V. Pamidi, and T. A. Combs, "Study of 2G high temperature superconducting coils: Influence of anisotropic characteristics," J. Appl. Phys. 114 (2013) 43901.
Doan N. Nguyen, Chul Han Kim, Jae-Ho Kim, Sastry Pamidi, and Steve P. Ashworth, "Electrical measurements of AC losses in high temperature superconducting (HTS) coils at variable temperatures," Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 (2013) 095001.
Min Zhang, J. Kvitkovic, Jae-Ho. Kim, C. H. Kim, S. V. Pamidi and T. A. Coombs, Alternating current loss of second-generation high-temperature superconducting coils with magnetic and non-magnetic substrate," Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 102602.
Min Zhang, Jae-Ho Kim, Sastry Pamidi, Michal Chudy, Weijia Yuan, and T. A. Coombs, "Study of second generation, high-temperature superconducting coils: Determination of critical current," J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 83902.
Sastry Pamidi, Chul Han Kim, Jae-ho Kim, Danny Crook, and Steinar Dale, "Cryogenic Helium Gas Circulation System for Advanced Characterization of Superconducting Cables and Other Devices," Cryogenics 52 (2012) 315.
Sastry Pamidi, Jozef Kvitkovic, Ulf Trociewitz, Sasha Ishmael, Rainer Meinke, and Gerry Stelzer, "A Novel Magnet for AC Loss Measurements on 2G Superconductor Rings and Coils in Axial and Radial Magnetic Fields," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (2012) 9003004.
Weijia Yuan, T. A. Coombs, Jae-Ho Kim, Chul Han Kim, Jozef Kvitkovic, and Sastry Pamidi, "Measurements and calculations of transport AC loss in second generation high temperature superconducting pancake coils," J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 113906.
Guo Min Zhang, Liang Zhen Lin, Li Ye Xiao, Yun Jia Yu, Justin Schwartz and Sastry V Pamidi, "A predictive model of the temperature dependence of AC transport losses in (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes," Supercond. Sci. and Technol. 24 (2011) 85008.
Sastry Pamidi, Chul Han Kim, and Lukas Graber, "Gaseous Helium Cooled Superconducting Power cables," A chapter in Superconductors in the Power Grid, Editor: Christopher Rey, Woodhead Publishing 2015.